II PanAmerican Workshop
Applied and Computational Mathematics

The Proceedings: Applied and Computational Mathematical Topics in Partial Differential Equations, edited by V. Pereyra and J. Castillo

Authors of IIPWACM Papers:

I am sure you are wondering whatever happened to your papers that were to be published by Birkhausser as a book. They were sent in the proper format in April and after several months I have found that there is no final approval for the publication of this volume. This is the first notice I had that there was any kind of problem. The problem is of course economical. We are witnessing the dead of paper published scientific materials and the Editorial houses have become very cautious and they are avoiding the publication of potentially money loosing volumes. It is unfortunate that this situation was not clearly especified by the Birkhausser representative much earlier in the game. Not everything is lost though, except some time. I have talked with Elsevier and Luc Wuytack, the Editor of the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics and they have agreed in principle to publish these papers as an special issue of that Journal. In fact, according to some earlier concerns of some of the authors, this may be better since this publication will then count as one in a refereed Journal. We will probably adopt this strategy from the outset for next year meeting in Chile. Thank you for your patience and collaboration.

Below is the history of the meeting.

Birkhauser-Verlag has proposed to publish the Proceedings of the II PanAmerican Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics as a book, but with some constraints in order to make the volume economically feasible. An upper bound of around 300 pages and some homogeneity and coherence in the selected topics are expected, so that not all areas covered by the Workshop may be featured. Of course, a homogeneous refereeing procedure at the same level of top journals will be used for all the papers. This process will be fully conducted through the Internet and it should be over within 3 months, at the most. Besides the printed edition, there will be a on-line multi-media version of the Proceedings, shortly available after the selection process closing. The online edition will be mantained by the University of New Mexico and Birkhauser-Verlag and will feature all accepted papers that the authors grant permission for(*). So far, over 15 papers in their final version were turned in to the Program Commitee. This is already far more than the previously planned Special Issue of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Neither Birkhauser nor CAAM can take care of the expenses of an additional issue. Besides, the earliest date for this issue to come out would have to be at least October 99, due to other Journal commitments. This is too far away from the Workshop date.

Taking all this into account, the Program Commitee has decided:

Articles in their final version must be electronically submitted not later that October 31, 1997(**). Refereeing procedures will be lead by J. Castillo, C. deMoura, V. Pereyra and M. Raupp, plus the chair-persons of the mini-symposia. With the selected papers at hand, the Commitee will set out four coherent topics for the Proceedings volume (to be published by Birkhauser). For the remaining group of accepted papers we will try either to edit special issues of Computational and Applied Mathematics and the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (edited by Elsevier), or to have the articles scattered through different issues of these same journals. Of course it will be up to the authors to accept or decline the Commitee's choice. The Workshop web-site will be maintained to show updates on the Proceedings editing process, so check it out periodically.

Gramado, September 9th, 1997 II PanAMWACM Program Commitee

(*) Other material related to the paper may also be archived here, including, but not restricted to, Java aplets demonstrating some point, or code, or graphics (possibly with motion), hyper-text versions of the code, Web sites of interest, etc. Be creative, suggestions are welcomed.

(**) Papers must be mailed to as ASCII files, in LaTeX (source), with pictures automatically included as postscript files. They should not exceed 15 pages in length. There is no need or requirements to send paper copies by snail mail.

If the authors have difficulties with e-mail access, a diskette will be acceptable.

September 8-12, 1997
Hotel Serrano, Gramado, BRASIL

Organized in cooperation with SIAM, the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Sponsored by
SDSU, San Diego State University
SBMAC, the Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional
(Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics)

Supported by
Weidlinger Associates

The Second Panamerican Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics (PWACM II) will be held at the Convention Center in Hotel Serrano, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, September 8 to 12, 1997.

This meeting is the continuation of PWACM I, that was held in Caracas, Venezuela from January 10-15, 1993.


Applications of mathematics to industry, technology, science and society.

Program and Abstracts

Registration Form is now available.
Early registration fee is $80 ($40 for students).

SGI Seminar on Parallel Programming Techniques

The minicourse consists of two two hour sessions and will cover the first two chapters of the book on Performance Tuning Optimization for the SGI Origin2000 and Onyx2 computers. See the program and book summary page for more details. There is no charge for the Seminar.

Wavelets Minicourse

A six hour course by Sergio Zarantonello, see the program for more details.

Fechas / Dates

December 15,1996 Call for Contributed Papers
April 15,1997 Deadline for Abstracts
April 15,1997 Deadline for Invited Papers and Minisymposia
April 15,1997 Deadline for Abstracts for the Short Courses
May 15,1997 program
September 1,1997 Manuscripts for Proceedings
September 8,1997 Meeting Starts

Meeting Format

There will also be poster sessions.


Proposals for contributed talks and minisymposia should be sent to
Victor Pereyra ( or
Carlos A. de Moura (

Please submit abstracts for contributed talks using the SIAM Macros.

Financial Support

Partial support for some participants will be available. Recipients will be chosen by the Organizing Committee on the basis of their abstracts, with priority given to papers related to the themes of the meeting. Please send applications to José Castillo ( Include the title of your talk and if it is in a special session, then the name of the session, and a short vita (quarter page).


Refereed papers will be published in a special edition of the journal: Computational and Applied Mathematics published by Birkhauser. The proceedings editors are Victor Pereyra, Carlos A. de Moura and José E. Castillo. Minisymposia papers (see instructions) can be submitted to the minisyposium organizers for refereeing and then appear in the special edition.

Comitês / Committees

Comitê Organizador / Organizing Committee

José E. Castillo, ChairSDSU, San Diego, CA, USA
Uri AscherUBC, Vancouver, CA
Paul BoggsNIST, Washington DC, USA
Julio Ruiz ClaysenUFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil
Marianela LentiniUSB, Caracas, Venezuela
Victor PereyraWeidlinger Associates, Los Altos, CA, USA
Stanly SteinbergUNM, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Comitê de Programa / Program Committee

Victor Pereyra, ChairWeidlinger Associates, Los Altos, CA, USA
John DennisRice U., Houston, TX, USA
James M. HymanLANL, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Juan MezaSNL, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Carlos de MouraUFF, Niteroi, Brazil
Stanly SteinbergUNM, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Martin TygelUnicamp, Brasil

Comitê Organizador Local / Local Organizing Committee

Julio R.C. Claeyssen, Co-ChairUFRGS/SBMAC
Carlos de Moura, Co-ChairUFF, Niteroi, Brazil
José BoldriniUNICAMP, Campinas
José A. CuminanatoICMSC-USP, São Carlos
Elisabeta GallicchioUFRGS, Porto Alegre
Gustavo PerlaLNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Haroldo Campos VelhoINPE, São José dos Campos

Hotel Information

SBMAC is holding a block of rooms at the Hotel Serrano which is located within a park in the downtown area at Avenida das Hortensias 1160. These rooms are being held on a first come, first served basis at US $70.00 single or US $80.00 double room. These rooms will be held for our exclusive use only until Monday, June 30, 1997. Reservations made after July 1, will depend on availability. We urge you to made your reservations, as soon as possible. You may do so by faxing your reservation directly to the Hotel Serrano. When making your reservation, please be certain to identify yourself as an attendee at the PWACM/SBMAC Meeting to receive the discounted rate.
Fax: 011-55-54-286-1639 (from USA) Voice: 011-55-54-286-1332 (from USA)
For cheap alternative accomodations, please contact the Local Organizing Committee.

Travel to Gramado

Gramado is 128 km from the city of Porto Alegre. If you are flying, use the international airport Salgado Filho in Porto Algre, then go by taxi to the bus station in Porto Alegre, and then travel by bus to Gramado. Buses go to Gramado from Porto Alegre on the hour and half an hour during rush hours. It is planned to have students and professors at the Salgado Filho airport to help visitors get to Gramado.

Discount Hotel

For people arriving before Sunday, the Hotel Embaixador, downtown Porto Alegre, 15 kilometers from the airport by red taxi (less than $10) will have discounted prices for people attending the Gramado meeting: Single $60, Double $90.

Bus Schedule from the airport to Gramado

At any time: White taxis from Airport to Gramado: Not more than 150 Reais (about $130). This is for the trip and they can take up to three people sharing the cost. Red taxis should be somewhat cheaper, although the number of passenger will depend on the size of the taxi.

More Information

Look at the Brazilian Mathematical Society WEB page under Informes and then under II Pan-American Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics, information in English for the information on this meeting maintained by the society.

Local Organizing Committee

If you wish to receive more information, contact:

Instituto de Matemática
Universidade de Rio Grande do Sul
P.O.Box 10673
90.001-000 Porto Alegre, RS
Fax: (00-55-51) 319 1512
Voice: (00-55-51) 316 6175