Math 327, Section 001
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking and Discrete Structures
Spring 2010

General Information

Instructor: Matthew Blair
Email Address: blair ["at"]
Course Web Page:
Office: Humanities 443
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:00-5:00 pm, and by appointment.

Text: Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 3rd Edition, by Edgar G. Goodaire and Michael M. Parmenter.

Meeting times/location: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 pm, Dane Smith Hall 129 .

Course Syllabus (in .pdf format)


February 19: Our grader for the course is Justin Pati. He is available for questions on the homework from 9-10:30am on Monday and Wednesday in Humanities 358. He can also be contacted at jpati "at"

March 4: Solutions to the first hour exam can be found here

April 9: Solutions to the second hour exam can be found here


Assignment #1--Due Monday, January 25

0.1: 3c, g; 5b, d, f, j; 6c, d, k; 8
Reading: 0.1, 1.1, 0.2
Not Collected-- 0.1: 2a, c, e, g, i, m, p; 3a, e; 5a, c, e; 6a, l

Assignment #2--Due Friday, January 29

0.2: 1b; 2b; 3b, f; 16
1.1: 1c; 2a; 6; 10
Reading: 0.2, 1.1, 2.1
Not Collected-- 0.2: 1a, 2a, 16   1.1: 1d, 5, 11a, d

Assignment #3--Due Friday, February 5

2.1: 1d, 2d, 3(d,e), 5(e,f), 12b, 14b
2.2: 6(b,c), 7, 19a, 21, 27c, 28
2.3: 4(c,d), 5(d,h), 9(d,g)
Reading: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Not Collected--2.2: 1(a,b), 12a, 19b   2.3: 4a, 5a, 9c

Assignment #4--Due Friday, February 12

2.4: 2(b,c), 4, 9, 13d, 14b, 15(a,b), 23
2.5: 1(c,d), 5, 6, 10a, 11b, 16b
Ch. 2 Review, p. 71: 22
Reading: 2.4, 2.5, 3.1
Not Collected--2.4: 2a, 5, 14(a,c), 15c   2.5: 3(a,b), 11a, 16a

Assignment #5--Due Friday, February 19

3.1: 1(b,d,e), 4(b,c), 16, 25(a,c), 27
3.2: 5, 6d, 7c, 8, 24
3.3: 7, 9, 11a, 12b
Reading: 3.2, 3.3, 4.1
Not Collected--3.1: 1(a,c), 4a, 13a, 14, 15a, 25b   3.2: 6a, 7a, 10, 14   3.3: 11c, 12a, 13(a,b)

Assignment #6--Not Collected

3.3: 15, 16, 20(a,b,e)
4.1: 4, 7, 8, 10, 11a
Reading: Review all covered sections and begin 4.2
Note: For 3.3 #20b, the set is countably infinite. Use what you know about subsets of countable sets in order to justify this.

Assignment #7--Due Friday, March 5

4.2: 10(b,c,d,e), 12(d,e), 11, 16, 18b, 22
Reading: 4.2, 4.3
Not Collected--4.2: 10a, 12(a,b,c), 18a, 21, 23, 27

Assignment #8--Due Friday, March 12

4.3: 6c, 9, 10b, 17a, 20, 30, 35
Reading: 4.3
Not Collected--4.3: 1(a,b), 4(a,e), 6(a,b), 8, 10a, 12a, 17b

Assignment #9--Due Friday, March 26

4.4: 9(b,g,h,i), 10(a,b(part ii only)), 11(c,e), 14(b,c), 16, 17b, 21d
Reading: 4.4, 4.5
Not Collected--4.4: 1, 3(a,c), 9(a,e,f), 10b (part i only), 14a, 17a, 18b

Assignment #10--Due Friday, April 2

4.5: 2e, 5, 6(b,c), 7(b,c), 10b, 12, 15, 18(c,g)
5.1: 4(a,g), 5b, 9(d,e)
Reading: 4.5, 5.1
Not Collected--4.5: 1(a,b), 2(a,d), 6a, 9(a,c), 10a, 11, 14(a,b), 18(a,d)   5.1: 1(a,b), 4(a,c,f), 5a, 9(a,c)

Assignment #11--Due Friday, April 16

5.2: 8, 10, 14, 26
5.3: 6, 8, 16, 18
6.1: 3, 6a, 11
Reading: 5.2, 5.3, 6.1
Not Collected--5.2: 9, 11, 25, 29, 33(a,b)   5.3: 3, 5, 7, 10, 12   6.1: 1, 4
Note: The answer for 6.1, 11a in the back of the book is incorrect, but the work there should provide a hint. Also, show your work completely for 11b, copying the book is not enough.

Assignment #12--Due Friday, April 23

6.1: 6b, 9(a,b,d)
6.2: 4, 14, 16, 19, 26
7.1: 6, 7, 11, 15
Reading: 6.2, 7.1, 7.2
Not Collected--6.1: 7, 13, 18   6.2: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 25   7.1: 9, 10, 12
Notes: For 6.2 #16, the order in which cards are dealt matters, e.g. dealing 9h,9d,9s,9c differs from dealing 9d,9h,9s,9c. Similarly for 6.2 #19, it may be helpful to consider the dice as being colored, so that rolling a 2 on a red die and a 3 on a blue die differs from rolling a 3 on a red die and a 2 on a blue die.

Assignment #13--Due Monday, May 3

7.1: 13
7.2: 9, 12, 15, 16(a,b,c), 26
7.3: 3, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 25, 28
Reading: 7.2, 7.3, 7.5
Not Collected--7.2: 5, 10, 11, 13, 17(a,c)   7.3: 5, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 26

Assignment #14--Not Collected

7.5: 3, 4, 11a, 13, 14(a,d), 15