Course Structure: The class lectures will be MWF 11-11:50am in Room 127 of Dane Smith Hall. The course will cover most of the material in chapters 10-14 in the book. It is very helpful to read the material before it is discussed in class. Here you can find the syllabus. You should register in recitation session that will meet once a week on either Tuesday or Thursday. In case of schedule conflicts you should talk to me.
Course content: The course will cover most of the material in chapters 10-14 in the textbook. It is very helpful to read the material before it is discussed in class. This is a continuation of Calculus II. We will assume working knowledge on one-variable calculus, that is: basic functions, limits, differentiation and integration. In this course we will study calculus in two and three variables. First we will get acquainted with the geometry of the plane and the space, we will introduce vector notation and vector operations. Next we will study vector-valued functions, space curves and motion in space (this is still one-variable calculus but embbeded in 3-dimensional space). Next we will start our study in depth of functions of several variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, differentiability, and applications to extreme value problems. Next comes multiple integration: double and triple integrals and their applications to calculate areas, volumes, masses, moments, etc. We will also learn how to integrate in other systems of coordinates: polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The final topic we will cover is integration in vector fields: this includes line integrals, vector fields, work, circulation and flux as well as the analogue to the fundamental theorem of calculus (FTC) in two dimensions, namely Green's Theorem. Time permitting we will oversee surface integrals and the very important three dimensional analogues of the FTC, namely: Stoke's Theorem and the Divergence Theorem.
Resources: There are many resources to help you succeed in this course. First, if you are having problems, immediately contact your lecturer and your laboratory instructor, they can help you. You can also schedule an appointment with one of the academic support centers on campus:
CAPS: Center for Academic Program Support, located on the third floor of Zimmerman Library (277-4560)
MEP: Minority Engineering Program at the School of Engineering, Engineering Annex, Room 210 (277-8795)
CATS: Counseling and Therapy Services, located in the Student Health Center (277-4537)
Homework: Work as many odd numbered problems in the text as possible (in the syllabus you will find an extensive selection of them). At a minimum do all the problems listed by number on the Math 264 Homework Problems. Every week the problems corresponding to the previous week will be collected and 2 or 3 of the problems will be graded at random and handed back to you promptly. You are encouraged to discuss the homework with each other, but make sure you understand how to work the problems yourself because you will have no help on the exams and quizzes. You learn mathematics by doing it, the more problems you do the better you will grasp the material.
Quizzes: Almost every week you will have a quiz in your recitation class The problems on the quizzes will be similar to the homework problems. Your grade on the quizzes is the average of all but your lowest two quizzes grades. There will be no makeups for quizzes.
Exams: There will be three midterms in class as listed in the syllabus, and a comprehensive final exam. The final exam is scheduled on Wednesday Dec 13th, 10:00am-12:00noon, DSH 127.
Calculator: The TI-83 calculator or similar will be allowed on exams and quizzes, but the questions will be designed so that use of a calculator is not crucial. Symbolic calculators will not be allowed on the tests, quizzes, or the final exam.
Grades: Your final grade will be determined by adding your total points in the course. There will be a total of 600 possible points Points are obtained by adding your scores on the midterm exams (100 points each), quizzes (100 points), homework (30 points), and the final exam (170 points). You must pass the final to get a grade of C or better in the course.
Makeup Policy: Makeup exams will be given if an exam is missed for a documented valid reason. Valid reasons include illness, family emergency, and active participation in scholarly or athletic events. Invalid excuses include oversleeping and other tests during the same week. If an exam is missed for a legitimate reason, an attempt must be made to contact me by the day of the exam (preferably before the exam is given) to let me know of your difficulty. If you must miss a exam due to a prearranged conflict, let me know about it so that we can arrange an alternate exam date.
Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in Math 163. If you do not meet this requirement, you will be removed from the class rolls.
Attendance Policy: If we have no record of your attendance during the first three weeks of classes, you will be removed from the class rolls.
Americans with Disabilities Act: Qualified students with disabilities needing appropriate academic adjustments should contact me as soon as possible to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner. Handouts are available in alternative accessible formats upon request.
Return to: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico
Last updated: 10 August 2000