Week of August 22
M: Ch 1 (Sec 1-6) - Vector algebra and cartesian coordinates.Week of August 29
HW #1 - p.14 Section 1.5: 4, 5, 6*, 12*, 13, 15, 21*.
W: Ch 1 (Sec 7-8) - Geometry and equations of the line.
HW #2 - p. 23 Section 1.7: 1, 4*, 5, 8*, 9, 13-24.
p. 29 Section 1.8: 1, 3, 7*, 11, 12, 13, 18*.
Fr: Ch 1 (Sec 9-10) - Scalar product and equations of a plane.
HW #3 - p. 34 Section 1.9: 3, 5, 11, 13*, 15;
HW #3 - p. 38 Section 1.10: 3*, 5, 10, 11*. Bonus 1 Solutions HW #3
M: Ch 1 (Sec 11-12) - Orientation and Cross product.Week of September 5th
HW #4 - p. 51 Section 1.12: 2*, 5, 12*, 13, 19, 20, 21*, 26. Solutions HW #4
W: Ch 1 (Sec 13) - Triple scalar products.
HW #5 - p. 57 Section 1.13: 3*, 5, 8, 17*. Solutions HW #5
Fr: Ch 1 (Sec 14) - Vector Identities.
HW #6 p. 60 Section 1.14: 3*, 6, 7, 11*. Solutions HW #6
Friday Sept. 2nd - Last day to add courses or change section
M: Holiday: Labor DayWeek of September 12
W: Ch 2 (Sec 1-2) - Curves, tangents, velocity, acceleration.
HW #7 - p.70 Section 2.1: 1*, 4, 5(h)*(i)*;
HW #7 - p. 85 Section 2.2: 2*, 6, 9. Solutions HW #7
Fr: Ch 2 (Sec 2-3) - Arclength and curvature.
HW #8 - p. 95 Section 2.3: 4, 5*, 9*. Solutions HW #8
M: Ch 2 (Sec 3) - Curvature and torsion, Frenet formulas.Week of September 19
HW #9 - p.95 Section 2.3: 15*. Solutions HW #9
W: Ch 3 (Sec 1) - Scalar fields, level lines/surfaces, gradient.
HW #10 - p.113 Section 3.1: 1(a)*, 3, 4, 9*,10, 12*, 14*, 20, 27*. Solutions HW #10
Fr: Ch 3 (Sec 1-2) - Directional derivatives, vector fields and flow lines.
HW #11 - p.117 Section 3.2: 2*, 3, 4. Solutions HW #11
Friday September 16 - Last day to change grading options
M: Ch 3 (sec 3) Divergence and flow tubes.Week of September 26
HW #12 - p.124 Section 3.3: 3, 4*, 5, 6*, 7, 8, 10, 11*. Solutions HW #12
W: Ch 3 (Sec 4-6) - Curl and vorticity, Laplacian.
HW #13 - p. 132 Section 3.4: 2, 3, 4*, 9*, 10, 11.
HW #13 - p. 140 Section 3.6: 2*, 4*, 5*, 7. Solutions HW #13
Fr: Ch 3 (Sec 8) - Vector differential identities.
HW #14 - p. 150 Section 3.8: 6*, 9, 10(b, g, i)*,11, 12, 13 (bonus). Solutions HW #14
M: Review Sample Exam 1Week of October 3
W: Exam (based on Chapters 1-3, up to 3.8) Exam 1 Solutions Exam 1
One page (both sides) of formulas allowed, this one: Formulas
Fr: Ch 3 (Sections 3-4) Revisited - Physical interpretation of Div and Curl.
Friday September 30 - Last day to drop without grade
M: Ch 4 (Sec 1) - Line integrals.Week of October 10
HW #15 - p.191 Section 4.1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7*, 10*, 14*, 18*. Solutions HW #15
W: Ch 4 (Sec 1-2) - Line integrals, domains.
HW #16 - p.192 Section 4.1: 20*.
HW #16 - p.196 Section 4.2: 2*, 3, 4*, 5, 6, 7, 8*, 10. Solutions HW #16
Fr: Ch 4 (Sec 3) - Conservative fields: potentials.
HW #17 - p.204 Section 4.3: 2, 4*, 5*, 7*, 8. Solutions HW #17
M: Ch 4 (Sec 4) - Conservative fields: Irrotational fields.Week of October 17
HW #18 - p.212 Section 4.4: 1(a, b*, c, d*, e*), 3*, 7, 9*. Solutions HW #18
W: Ch 4 (Sec 4-5) Scalar and vector potencials:two-dimensional fields,
M: Ch 4 (Sec 5) Divergence free or solenoidal fieldsWeek of October 24
HW #19 - p. 222: 4*, 9*, 10. Solutions HW #19
W: Ch 2 (Sec 2.4), Ch 3 (Sec 10 ) Polar coordinates, Cylindrical coordinates.
HW #20 - p. 102: 2*, 8*, 9, 14* Solutions HW #20
F: Ch 3 (sec 10) Cylindrical coordinates.
HW #21 - p. 170: 6*, 7*, 8(a, b*), 10, 11*, 13, 14 Solutions HW #21
M: Ch 3 (sec 10) Spherical coordinates.Week of October 31
HW #22 - p. 181: 6, 7, 8*, 12*, 14. (optional) Solutions HW #22
W: Ch 4 (Sec 6) - Oriented surfaces.
HW #23 - p.236: 1*, 2*, 3, 4, 5*, 6*. Solutions HW #23
Fr: Ch 4 (Sec 7) - Surface Integrals.
M: Surface Integrals.Week of November 7
HW #24 - p.246: 1*, 2, 4, 5, 6*, 11*, 14*, 15, 16*, 20, 21. Solutions HW #24
W: Review - Review Exam 2 Solutions Review 2
Fr: Exam (based on Homeworks 15-24) Take home Exam 2 Solutions Exam 2
M: Ch 4 (Sec 8) - Volume integrals.Week of November 14
HW #25 - p.256: 1*, 3*, 4, 5*, 6*. Solutions HW #25
W: Ch 4 (Sec 9) - Introduction to Divergence and Stokes theorem.
HW #26 - p. 262: 2(b,d,f), 4*, 5*, 10*, 11*. Solutions HW #26
Fr: Ch 5 (Sec 1) - Divergence theorem.
Friday November 11 - Last day to withdraw without approval from the Dean
M: Ch 5 (Sec 1)- Divergence Theorem.Week of November 21
HW #27 - p. 277: 6*, 7*, 8*, 9*, 10. Solutions HW #27
HW #27 - Schaum's p.126: 29 (justifying the heat equation).
W: Ch 5 (Sec 4-5) - Green's and Stoke's Theorems.
HW #28 - p. 294: 5*, 6, 7*, 8, 9*, 11, 12*. Solutions HW #28
Fr: Ch 5 (Sec 5) - Stoke's Theorem.
HW #29 - p. 299: 1*, 2*, 3*, 5, 6, 7. Solutions HW #29
HW #29 - Schaum's p.130: 35, 36. p. 134: 67*, 68*, 73* (Gauss's Law). Schaum's problems #29
M: Ch 5 (Sec 2) - Potential Theory: Green's formulas.Week of November 28
HW #30 - p. 284: 1*, 2*, 6, 8*. Solutions HW #30
W: Ch 5 (Sec 2) - Potential Theory.
M: Ch 5 (Sec 2) - Solving Poisson's EquationWeek of December 5
HW # 31 - Schaum's p. 134: 61*, 71*, 72*. Schaum's problems #31 Solutions HW #31
W: Ch 5 (Sec 3) - The Helmholtz decomposition.
HW #32 - p. 290: 1*, 3*, 4*. Solutions HW #32
Fr: Ch 5 (Sec 3) - The Helmholtz decomposition.
HW #33 - Schaum's p.132-134: 41*, 43*, 62*, 63*, 64, 65*, 66. Schaum's problems #33 Solutions HW #33
M: Review
W: Review Solutions Review 3
Fr: Review
Return to: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico
Last updated: September 24th, 2005