MATH 563
Problems from Stein-Shakarki's book.
Assignment 4:
(you can work in teams like with the first assignment, only
difference is that this time all teams are doing the same assignment)
- Exercise 24 in Chapter 3 (Lebesgue decomposition of an increasing and bounded function).
- Exercise 11 in Chapter 6 (Decomposition of the measure associated to an increasing and bouded function into an absolutely continuous part, a jump part, and
a singular part).
Assignment 3:
(you can work in teams like with the first assignment, only
difference is that this time all teams are doing the same assignment)
- Show H\"older's inequality and the triangle inequality in L^p.
- Show that L^p is a complete normed space.
Assignment 2:
(you can work in teams like with the first assignment, only
difference is that this time all teams are doing the same assignment)
- Show that SS and Tao's definition of Lebesgue measurable sets coincides
with Caratheodory's definition (Chapter 6, Exercise 3 in SS p.312).
- Show that the image under a linear transformation on R^d of a
Lebesgue measurable set on R^d is a Lebesgue measurable set. (Chapter 1,
Exercise 8 in SS p.39).
- Show the Borel-Cantelli Lemma. (Chapter 1, Exercise 16 in SS p.42).
Group Work 1:
Each team will submit a report. We assigned the 4 lemmas
(or a variation) stated in my first electronic message (I remember for sure what the assignment was for Kenney and Audrey,
maybe for the other three teams is a permutation of what I am writing. We
talked about Cantor sets, and I would like each team to do one Cantor set
exercises in Stein-Shakarchi (SS) pages 37-39. (The
basic topological definitions that we need are listed under "Open, closed
and compact sets" in pages 2-3 Stein-Shakarchi.)
- Kenney and Audrey: open sets is R can be written in a unique way as a
disjoint union of at most countable open intervals. Note that if we
replace R by R^d and open intervals by open boxes the statement is false.
The correct statement replaces open intervals by open connected sets. Do also Exercise 4.
Cantor-like sets (and take a pick at Exercise 9).
- Michael, Jacob and Patrick: if a subset E of R is the union of finitely
many disjoint intervals
{I_j: 1<= j <+N} and is also the union of finitely many disjoint intervals
{J_k: 1<= k <= M} then the sum of |I_j| is equal to the sum |J_k|. Do
also Exercise 2.
- Mostafa and Wenjing: if E in R is a finite union of intervals then E is
a finite union of
disjoint intervals. Similarly if E in R^d is a finite union of boxes then
E is a finite union of disjoint boxes. Do also Exercise 3.
- Chris and John: If B is a box that is the union of finitely many
disjoint boxes
{B_j: 1<= j <=N} then the volume of B is the sum of the volumes the B_j.
Do also Exercise 1.
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of Mathematics and Statistics, University
of New Mexico
Last updated: Aug 25, 2014