Homework 1 (due 9/1/09) :
Chapter 1 - Choose any 3 exercises from the chapter.
Homework 2 (due 9/8/09) :
Chapter 3 - Exercise 3.10.
Homework 3 (due 9/15/09) :
Chapter 4 - Verify the closed formula for
the Dirichlet kernel, or verify the closed formula for the Fejer kernel
(Exercise 4.26). Math graduate students do exercise 4.14,
others can choose instead one of 4.15, 4.16.
Homework 4 (due 9/22/09) :
Chapter 4 - Exercises 4.3, 4.22, 4.27. As a bonus you can
do Exercise 4.41.
Homework 5 (due 9/29/09) :
Chapter 5 - All students 5.19, 5.20, graduate students in math 5.9,
other students 5.18.
Homework 6 (due 10/08/09) :
Chapter 6 - Exercises 6.3, 6.25, 6.26 (as a bonus try 6.24).
Homework 7 (due 11/03/09) :
Chapter 7 - Exercises 7.6 (bump), 7.11, 7.14, 7.17, 7.33.
Homework 8 (due 11/17/09) :
Chapter 8 - Exercises 8.5 (only Fejer), 8.23, 8.24, 8.25, 8.30 (only Fejer).
Homework 9 (due 11/24/09) :
Chapter 9 - Exercises 9.3, 9.11, 9.14, 9.23, 9.35 (bonus).
Homework 10 (due 12/15/09) :
Chapter 10 - Exercises 10.1, 10.9 (Shannon MRA), 10.14, 10.20, 10.22.
Return to: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico
Last updated: November 12, 2009