Cristina Pereyra, Publications>
Invited Speaker
- Invited Speaker at the "Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations COnference in honor of Professor Jill Pipher".
June 24-28, 2024, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
- Invited Speaker at the "Seminari a Distanza di Analisi Armonica".
November 22, 2023, virtually in the Harmonic Analysis E-Seminars organized by Italian mathematicians.
- Invited Speaker at the Special Session on "Inequalities in Harmonic Analysis", in the AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting #1186.
April 15-16, 2023, University of Cincinnati, OH.
webpage [Had to cancel at the last minute]
- Invited Speaker at the ICERM Workshop on "Extremal Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Convexity, and Bellman Functions".
Nov 28-Dec 2, 2022. This was part of the semester long ICERM Program on "Harmonic Analysis and Convexity" to which I was invited.
webpage [Could not attend for personnal reasons].
- Invited Speaker at the Special Session on "A Women in Analysis Research Network Event",
in the AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting #1177.
March 26-27, 2022 (held virtually, originally to be held at Purdue University).
- Invited Speaker at the Session on "Geometric Potential Analysis" in the 2021 Mathematical Congress of the Americas (July 12-23, 2021).
July 19, 2021, virtually at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Invited Speaker to the "Approximation Theory, Harmonic Analysis, and Related Topics. A Brazilian Webinar."
July 1st, 2021, virtually in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Invited Speaker at the Special Session on "Recent Developments in Harmonic Analysis", in the AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting #1150.
September 14-15, 2019, Univesity of Wisconsin at Madison.
- Plenary Speaker at Harmonic Analysis Conference Celebrating the Mathematical Legacy of Alan McIntosh.
February 13, 2018 at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- Undergraduate Colloquium, as part of the Harmonic Analysis Conference Celebrating the Mathematical Legacy of Alan McIntosh.
February 14, 2018 at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- Invited Speaker at a CIMPA 2017 Research School--IX Escuela Santal\'o in
Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and Applications
Four hour minicourse on Dyadic harmonic Analysis and Weighted Inequalities
August 1-13, 2017
at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Invited Speaker at the Session on Harmonic Analysis and Approximation Theory
July 30-August 5, 2017, as part of the 31st Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Invited Speaker at conference on Geometry, Analysis and Probability
May 8-12, 2017 at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, South Korea.
- Physics/Mathematics Colloquium and CUICBAS Seminar Speaker
March 16-17, 2017 at Universidad de Colima, Colima, Mexico.
- Invited Speaker for Workshop Connections for Women: Harmonic Analysis.
19-20 January 2017, MSRI-Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA (cancelled due to son's hospitalization).
- Invited Speaker at the 2017 Joint Mathematics Meeting, AMS Special Session on Women in Analysis (In Honor of Cora Sadosky)
January 7, 2017, Atlanta, GA. (Airline cancelled my trip at the last minute due to bad weather).
- Invited Speaker at the IWOTA-International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Special Session in Harmonic Analysis.
21-22 July, 2016, Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
- Invited Speaker at the AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting #1117,
Special Session on Sharp Estimates and bellman Functions in Harmonic Analysis.
March 5-6, 2016, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
- Invited Speaker at the AMSI/AustMS 2014 Workshop in Harmonic Analysis and its Applications.
21-25 July 2014, Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia. (Couldn't attend)
- Invited Speaker at the 9th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.
11-15 June, 2012, El Escorial, Spain.
Proceedings Volume
- Main Lecturer at the Workshop for Women in Analysis and PDE
May 30 to June 2, 2012, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA),
Minnesota, MN.
- Invited Speaker at The 2011 Ohio River Analysis Meeting (ORAM I).
January 29-30, 2011 at the University of Cincinnnati, Ohio.
- Invited Speaker at The 2010 February Fourier Talks (FFT)
at the Norbert Wiener Center.
February 18-19, 2010 at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Last revised January 11, 2018
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Department of Mathematics and Statistics