Fall, 2020, STAT279

HW2, due 09/10/20

Data for HW2

Notes on Data Frames to help with HW2

Example of computing correlation with NYC data

Python notebook, download and open from within Jupyter

Exerpt from NYT article visualizing Coronavirus deaths

HW3, due 09/24/20

San Diego high temperatures example

Python notebook, working with dates

Video for importing HTML table using Google sheets, using Worldometer data as an example

Week 6:

HW4, due 10/06/20

Python notebook for earthquake data, updated 9/24/20

example earthquake data, your data for hw will be different

Week 7:

Python notebook with For loops and simulating rolling dice (updated about 11:30am, 9/29/20, will be updated more)

Week 9:

HW5 due October 29

Week 9 notebook for hypothesis testing and proportions

Week 10:

Probability notes (no code)

Brief notebook with functions to compute birthday probabilities

Week 11:

The Normal Distribution and Central Limit Theorem

Week 12-13:


Week 14:

Logistic Regression

hw6 due Nov 24th

Example using Logistic Regression with two independent variables and plotting curve based on values not in original data

data for logistic regression example using cars with two predictors

Week 16:

Notebook for analyzing Shakespeare text data

zip file with 10 of Shakespeare's plays as .txt files

HW7, due 10 December 2020 (Thursday) at noon. This is the last homework, worth 20 points