562 – Complex Analysis
Spring 2009
Professor: Dr.
Janet Vassilev
Office: Humanities
Office Hours: MWF 10 am-11 pm and by
Telephone: (505) 277-2214
Classical Complex Analysis, by L.S.
Hahn and Bernard Epstein.
Meetings: The course lectures will be held in 333 Dane Smith Hall on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays at 2-2:50 pm.
Topics: The Mittag-Leffler
theorem, series and product expansions, introduction to asymptotics
and the properties of the gamma and zeta functions. The
Riemann mapping theorem, harmonic functions and Dirichlet's
problem. Introduction to elliptic functions. Selected topics.
(100 points): Homework will be assigned every other week on Fridays
and you will have two weeks to complete it. Late homework will be penalized
20% off per each day that it is late. Homework will not be graded
unless it is written in order and labeled appropriately. The
definitions and theorems in the text and given in class are your tools for the
homework proofs. If the theorem has a
name, use it. Otherwise, I would prefer that
you fully describe the theorem in words that you plan to use, than state “by
Theorem 3”. Each week,
around 4 or 5 of the assigned problems will be graded. The weekly
assignments will each be worth 20 points.
I will drop your lowest homework scores and the remaining homework will
be averaged to get a score out of 100.
Exams (300
points): I will give one midterm (100 points) and a final (200
points). There are no make up exams. If a test is missed,
notify me as soon as possible on the day of the exam.
For the midterms only, if you have a legitimate and documented
excuse, your grade will be recalculated without that test. The Midterm is
tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 6. The Final is on Wednesday, May
13, from 3-5 pm.
Grades: General guidelines
for letter grades (subject to change; but they won't get any more strict):
90-100% - A; 80-89% - B; 70-79% - C; 60-69% - D; below 60% - F. In
assigning Final Grades for the course, I will compare your grade on all course
work (including the Final) and your grade on the
Final Exam. You will receive the better of the two grades.
Scehdule: The schedule will be determined as we go
along. I will add weekly summaries of
the material covered each week on the webpage.