Current Students
- Jose Garcia is working on a PhD in mathematics, with an emphasis
on computational methods for topolgocial physics.
Past Students
Martha Salerno Monteiro finished a PhD with me in 2000.
The title of her dissertation was "Weakly Stable Relations
and Inductive Limits of C*-Algebras."
- David Worth finished a Masters with me in 2006. His
thesis: "
Construction of Geometric Outer-Measures and Dimension Theory"
- Andrea Schmidt finished a Masters with me in 2012. Her thisis
title was "Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Radiation
Sources that Move Faster than Light."
- Fredy Vides completed his PhD with me in the summer of 2016. His
Dissertation was titled "Toroidal Matrix Links:
Local Matrix Homotopies and Soft Tori."