Artists impressinon of the spectral localizer as a mathematical probe of a mathematical model.

Mathematics and Physics Research

current research topics

Research links

  • Supplemental files to "Surfaces and hypersurfaces as the joint spectrum of matrices" by DeBonis, Loring and Sverdlov.
  • ArXiv feed. Preprints of my papers are on the Arxiv and they are not always close to the final version.
  • CV with full list of publications.
  • My writings and citations listed at Google Scholar.
  • Real, sparse and skew-symmetric matrices, a sample.
  • A tutorial on the spectral localizer.


    My research with Alex Cerjan, of the Nanostructure Physics department, the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, is supported by a subarward from Sandia National Laboratories. I also have funding from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the National Science Foundation.
    Professor T. A. Loring, Department of Mathematics and Statistics