# README This repository contains LaTeX files and associated resources for Chapters 1-6 and Chapters 8-9, as well as a special RSweave `.rnw` file for Chapter 7. The LaTeX files are formatted and compiled to generate PDF outputs, with figures and screenshots provided in the `plots` folder. ## Contents ### LaTeX Files - **Chapters 1-6 and Chapters 8-9**: These chapters are written in standard LaTeX format. To compile any of these chapters, you can run the corresponding `.tex` file. For example, to generate the PDF for Chapter 1, run `chapter1.tex`. - **Chapter 7**: Due to the large number of plots, Chapter 7 is provided as an RSweave file (`chapter7.rnw`). You will need to compile this file in RStudio to generate the output. ### Input Package: `bepackage` - The input package, called `bepackage`, includes various LaTeX formatting, custom `\newcommand` definitions, and other necessary LaTeX configurations to ensure consistency and correct formatting across all chapters. ### Figures and Screenshots - All figures, screenshots, and other visual elements are stored in the `plots` folder. Make sure to keep this folder in the same directory as the LaTeX files when compiling the documents. ### Style Files - Additional style files (`.sty`) are included in the repository to further customize the appearance of the LaTeX output.