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This Spring semester MCTP-supported graduate students
Erik Medina and Kenny Anglin
organized a grad student seminar.
This seminar is set up as a course the students can get credit for
and thereby fullfill their seminar requirement. To get credit
the students must attend and summarize in writing 10 seminars,
of their choice, most of which must be held at our department.
In Spring 2014, 10 graduate students signed up for this course.
The seminar meets every other week.
Schedule of talks:
February 11: Rob Niemeyer, MCTP Postdoc, Applied Mathematics, UNM
Ergodic Theory
February 25: Lane McConnell, MCTP Postdoc, Applied Mathematics, UNM
Electrohydrodynamics of Lipid Bilayer Vesicles
March 11: Adam Frederickson, Graduate Student, Math&Stats, UNM
The Fundamental Eigenvalue gap of the Schroedinger equation
March 25: Rueben Hersch, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, UNM
Experiencing Mathematics: what do we do, when we do mathematics?
April 8: David Weirich
April 29: Monika Nitsche, Professor, Applied Mathematics, UNM
On the vortex sheet model for vortex shedding
May 6: Greg Morre, Graduate Student, Math&Stats, UNM
Counting Standard Closures, Semistar and Star Operations on
Powerseries Ring with Zerodivisors