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Minicourse: Transformational Geometry and Geometric Modeling and the K-12 Curriculum. Profs. Michael Nakamaye and Kristin Umland.

The new Common Core State Standards emphasize a transformational approach to geometry.  In the elementary grades, this means studying symmetries of different shapes.  In the middle school grades, the different transformations (translations, rotations, and reflections) are studied in more detail and the critical notion of congruence is defined in terms of transformations.  In the high school curriculum, transformations are used not only to demonstrate the classical congruence criteria (ASA, SAS, SSS) but also to help solve a variety of geometric problems.  In addition to transformations, we will also focus on a wide variety of modeling problems where geometry plays a vital roll.  

Professors Nakamaye and Umland are dedicated to improving K-12 education in the state of NM. They have developed and are involved in many programs attempting to reform elementary and secondary education so that the youth of New Mexico receive the skills they need to be successful in the modern world. Both are also two of our best teachers that have, combined, won multiple teaching awards at UNM and at Harvard.