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Minicourse: Modeling with Statistics in the K-12 Curriculum. Michael Nakamaye and Jennifer Wilson.

Statistics provides many opportunities to model different situations in the real world (who is going to win this election? which medical treatment should I get?). The mathematics involved in statistical analysis can range from graphic displays to detailed work with algebra and functions. In this workshop, we will explore some of the Common Core Statistics standards with an emphasis on how they can be used to support learning of the more traditional curriculum (ration and proportion, algebra, functions). 

Michael Nakamaye is dedicated to improving K-12 education in the state of NM. Together with Kristin Umland, he has been instrumental in developing the Illustrative Mathematics website and working on programs to reform elementary and secondary education so that the youth of New Mexico receive the skills they need to be successful in the modern world.

Jennifer Wilson teaches at Northwest Rankin High School, which is in Brandon, Mississippi. She works for Texas Instruments (their Teachers Teaching with Technology program), does extensive work for Illustrative Mathematics, and was a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.