Spring 2024 Teaching

     Linear Algebra with Applications, Math 314 - see UNM Canvas for details
Courses Taught at the University of New Mexico
Classroom Courses (27 sections; FS 2012 - WS 2024)
Individual Study Courses (17 sections; FS 2012 - FS 2023)
Courses Taught at the University of Central Florida (6 sections; FS 2010 - WS 2012)
Courses Taught at Texas A&M University (9 sections; FS 2007 - WS 2010)
Courses Taught at the University of Missouri (20 sections; FS 2002 - WS 2007)
Precollege Teaching

Teaching by Semester

Summary: total of 62 classroom sections and 17 individual study sections taught before Summer 2024. Among them 23 different classroom and 6 different individual study courses, 52+6 preps total.