6th MPM Workshop

University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM 87131

August 9-10, 2010


The Workshop will be held on the UNM campus
Dane Smith Hall (DSH) Room 123
Schedule of Presentations:

Monday, August 9

8:45 Welcome    Deborah Sulsky        University of New Mexico

9:00-10:00 Methodology (Moderator: Zhen Chen)

9:00-9:30       Rebecca Brannon    University of Utah

                        Convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI) method

9:30-10:00     Ali Reza Sadeghirad    University of Utah

                        A method for analyzing weak discontinuities based on the convected particle

                               domain interpolation (CPDI) method.


10:00-10:30 Break (DSH Atrium)

10:30-12:00 Geomechanics (Moderator: Buck Schreyer)

10:30-11:00    Lars Beuth        Deltares/University of Stuttgart

                        Application of a Quasi-Static Material Point Method in Geomechanics

11:00-11:30     Jim Guilkey    Schlumberger

                    Use of Uintah MPM-ICE to Investigate the Efficacy of Seismic Air-Guns for Coalbed


11:30-12:00    Louis Moresi    Monash University

                        Some uses of MPM in Geological modelling

12:00-13:30 Lunch (DSH Atrium)

13:30-15:00 Applications (Moderator: Rebecca Brannon)

13:30-14:00     Wije Wathugala    ACTA Inc

                        Applications of MPM to material breakup

14:00-14:30     Edward Le    Oregon State Unversity

                        MPM Simulation of Wood-Strand Composites

14:30-15:00     Zhen Chen    University of Missouri

                        A Comparative Study on Impact Failure Evolution with the MPM and MD

15:00-15:30 Break (DSH Atrium)

15:30-17:30 Methodology (Moderator: Martin Berzins)

15:30-16:00     Carter Mast    University of Washington

                        Representing arbitrary bounding surfaces in the MPM

16:00-16:30     Xia Ma    Los Alamos National Laboratory

                        Transfer Coefficient Algorithm for Small Mass Nodes in Material Point Method

16:30-17:00     Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein    University of Washington

                        Locking effects in the MPM

17:00- 17:30    Jonah Lee    University of Alaska Fairbanks

                        A Few MPM Verification Problems Using Uintah

18:30-21:30  Dinner (SUB Santa Ana Room A & B)

Tuesday, August 10

9:00-10:00 Fracture (Moderator: Duan Zhang)

9:00-9:30     Scott Bardenhagen    Wasatch Molecular, Inc

                     Dynamic Fracture Simulations in MPM using a J-Integral Approach

9:30-10:00   Jason Sanchez    University of New Mexico

                     A Critical Evaluation of Computational Fracture Using a Smeared Crack Approach in MPM

10:00-10:30 Break (DSH Atrium)

10:30-12:00 Methodology (Moderator: Carter Mast)

10:30-11:00     Jayveer Thakoor     Jveer Aerospace Ltd.

                         Introducing MPMsim: a material point method alternative to traditional FEA  

                                explicit dynamics

11:00-11:30     Philip Wallstedt    University of New Mexico

                        An Application of Uncertainty Quantification to MPM

11:30-12:00     Duan Zhang    Los Alamos National Laboratory

                        Continuous Gradient Method to Cell Crossing Instability