This Indenture made the Twelth Day of January Anno Domini 1761 Between Arthur Westray of the County of Isle of Wight planter of the one part and Charles Fletcher planter of Glocestor County Witnesseth that the said Arthur Westray and Elizabeth Westray his Wife for and in Consideration of the full and Just Sum of Twenty five Pounds Current Money of the Colony to them in hand paid at or before the Sealing & Delivery of these Presents by the said Charles Fletcher the Receipt whereof they Doth hereby acknowledge and every part & Parcell thereof Doth hereby acquit exonerate & Discharge the said Charles Fletcher his heirs Executors Administrators and every of them by these Presents they the said Arthur Westray & Elizabeth Westray his Wife hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated Enfeofed Confirmed and by these Presents Doth Give Grant Bargain and Sell unto the said Charles Fletcher his Heirs & Assigns for ever a Certain Tract or Parcell of Land lying & Being in the County aforesaid which was Given to Edward Westray by his Father William Westray by a Deed of Gift Bearing Date 24th Day of December 1731 which by Record will more fully appear & Bounded as followeth begining at a Branch Called the Walnut Neck Branch soup(?) the Swamp to a Branch Called Pigg Branch soup(?) the said Branch to the Line so along the line of marked Trees to the Branch called the Walnut neck Branch so down the said Branch to the first Station containing by estimation One Hundred Acres of Land be the same more or less with all the Rights Priviludges appertenances thereon With [-page break-] with all the Houses thereon Contained and Orchards Gardens Woods and Under Woods Timber & Trees Swamps & Marshes Water & Water Courses and all other Liberties & Priviledges thereon Contained To have and to hold unto the said Charles Fletcher his Heirs & Assigns to the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of the said Charles Fletcher his Heirs and Assigns for ever & the Arthur Westray & Elizabeth Westray his Wife for themselves their Heirs Executors Administrators and every of them doth Covenat Promise Grant & Agree to and with the said Charles Fletcher his Heirs & Assigns by these Presents in maner & form following that is to say they the said Arthur Westray & Elizabeth Westray his Wife hath in themselves Good Right & absolute power & Authority to Grant Bargain & Sell the said Land and Premises unto the said Fletcher his Heirs & Assigns and every of them shall or Lawfully may from Time & at all Times hereafter Peaceably & Quietly hold Occupy Possess and Injoy the said Land & Premises with all & Singular the appertenances without Suit, Trouble and Denial, Disturbance, Molestation, Interruption, of them the said Arthur Westray & Elizabeth Westray his Wife their Heirs & Assigns or any of them or by any Person or persons whatsoever laying any Lawfull Claim thereunto or any part or parcell thereof and the said Land & premises with all & Singular appertenances shall remain continue and be unto the said Charles Fletcher his heirs and assigns free & Clearly acquited Exonerated Discharged of & from all Manner of former & other Gifts Bargains Sales Bonds Forfits [-page break-] Forfits, forfiture arrearages of Rents and all othe Incumbrances of what Nature & kind so ever In Witness whereof they the said Arthur Westray & Elizabeth Westray his Wife hath hereunto set their Hand and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first above Written
his | |
Arthur + Westray | (LS) |
mark | |
her | |
Elizabeth + Westray | (LS) |
mark |
Signed Sealed & Delivered In the presence of us
his | |
Thomas T Chiles | |
mark | |
George Hall. | Will. Westray |
Elizabeth Hall. | |
Jam.e Hall | |
Joshua Edwards | |
Geo. Hall | |
William Whisley | |
Jacob Edwards | |
John Westray | |
Geo: Mountford Hall |
I hereby acknowledge to have Received from the within Named Charles Fletcher full Satisfaction for the Consideration Money Mentioned in the within Deed In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand this Day of 1761
his | |
Test. George Hall, John Westray | Arthur + Westray |
mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County on Thursday the Day of February 1762
This Indenture and Receipt was proved by the Oath of Joshua Edwards, Jacob Edwards & John Westray three of the Witness thereto and Ordered to be Recorded
Ex:d Test Rich:a Baker Cl