This Indenture made the Thirteenth Day of January Anno Domini 1762 Between Arthur Westray and his Wife Elizabeth the Daughter of John Godwin of the Isle of Wight County of the one Part and Joshua Edwards of the said County of the other Part Witnesseth that the said Arthur Westray and his Wife Elizabeth for & in Consideration of the Sum of five Pounds Current Money to them in hand paid the Receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge themselves fully satisfied Contented & Paid hath Bargained & ... & by these Presents doth Grant Bargain & Sell unto the said Joshua Edwards his Heirs & Assigns for ever all their Right Title or Claim of Lands that fell to the aforesaid Elizabeth Westray by the Death of her Father John Godwin [-page break-] John Godwin being One hundred Acres more or less the Bounds being included in a Deed as the said Joshua Edwards entered in with George Pool & his Wife Mary To have and to hold the said One Hundred Acres Land more or less with all & Singular the Appertenances thereunto belonging unto the said Joshua Edwards his heirs & Assigns to the only proper use & Behoof of the said Joshua Edwards his Heirs & Assigns for ever without the Let Trouble hinderance of them the said Arthur Westray & his Wife Elizabeth or their Heirs or Assigns and of all and every Person or Persons whatsoever In Witness whereof the Arthur Westray & Elizabeth his Wife hath hereunto put their Hands and Affixed both their Seals the Day & Year above Written.
his | |
Arthur + Westray | (LS) |
mark | |
her | |
Elizabeth + Westray | (LS) |
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Will Whitley |
Hardy Edwards |
Jacob Edwards |
Joshua Edwards Junr. |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County on Thursday the 4th Day of February
This Indenture was proved by the Oath of Hardy Edwards, Jacob Edwards, &
Joshua Edwards Junr. three of the Witnesses thereto & Ordered to be
Exd Test Rich: Baker Cl