This Indenture made the fourth Day of March Seventeen Hundred & Sixty Seven Between Benjamin Westray Planter of the Isle of Wight County & Lucy his Wife of the one part & William Westray of the aforesaid County & Lucy his Wife of the other part witnesseth that the said Benjamin Westray & Lucy his Wife for & in Consideration of five Pounds Current Money of Virginia to them in Hand paid by the said William Westray before or at the Ensealing & deliviry of these presence the reciept whereof they the said Benjamin Westray & Lucy his wife doth hereby Acknowledge & thereof doth Acquit & Discharge the said W.m Westray & Lucy his Wife their Heirs Hon.(?) & Admon. of every part & parcel thereof have dimised Granted set & to farm let unto W.m Westray & Lucy his Wife one certain tract or parcel of Land situate lying & being in the Isle of Wight County Containing by estimatio fifty Acres bi(?) the same more or less & Bounded as followeth. Begining at the mouth of a Branch called Phillips Spring branch up the said Branh to a pine a marked Tree along the line to the Swamp to a white Oak down the said swamp to the first Station with all Profit & Commodites with their & every of their Appurtenances To have and hold the said Land & premises with their and every Appurtenances unto the said William Westray & Lucy his Wife from the Day of the date hereof unto and during the Natural Life of the said William Westray & Lucy his Wife Bearing the name of the Westrays & No longer & the longest liver of them fully them & not tile then to be Compleated & ended ga...oing & Paying therefore yearly upon the feast of Christmas one Year of Indian Corn if lawfully Demanded & further the said W.m Westray & Lucy his Wife she bearing the name of Westray & no longer and the longest liver of them under the rents Covenants Grants & agreements in these pr...nts Contained shall & may at all times hereafter & from time to time during the said Term or terms hereby Granted & Demised(?) Quietly & Peaceably have hold ... Occupy Possess & Enjoy the said Tract or Parcel of Land & all other premises with their and Every Appurtenances free [-page break-] free from all manner of Incumbrances except the Lawfull rents to our sovereign Lord the King his heirs & Successors with out the Lawfull let Molestation or eviction of them the said Benjamin Westray & Lucy his Wife their Heirs executors administrators or assigns or any other Person or persons whatsoever In Witmess whereof we have hereunto set our Hand & have Affixed our Seal the Day of Year first above Written.
Signed Sealed & delivired in Presence of us
Edmund Westray | Benj.a Westray |LS| |
her | her |
Margret ... Tomlin | Lucy X Westray (LS) |
mark | mark |
his | |
Thomas T Chiles | |
mark |
Interlino(?) before Signed.
March fourth Seventeen Hundred & Sixty Seven then Recieved of William Westray five pounds Current Money of Virginia being full Satifaction for the within Contents.
Edmund Westray | Benjamin Westray |
her | her |
Margret X Tomlin | Lucy X Westray |
mark | mark |
his | |
Thomas F Chiles | |
mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County March 5:th 1767
Benjamin Westray came into Court and acknowledged this Indenture & reciept to William Westray & Lucy his Wife which is Ordered to be Recorded.
... Test Rich:a Baker