In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin Westray of the Isle of Wight County,
being Sick and weak in Body but of a sound Memory, thanks be to the Almighty
God for the same And Calling to ...emembrance the uncertain, state of this
transitory life do make, Ordain and Constitute to be my last Will and testament
in manner and form following.
Imprimis, I will and desire that all my Debts may be Justly paid
Item, I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Lucy Westray
during her Life or Widdowhood, Ten head of Cattle one black horse, Ten head of
Sheep Twenty five hed of hogs, three feather Beds and furniture, The whole of
the pewter All the pots and panses with all the house hold furniture and one
Negro fellow calld David, and after her Life or widowhood the whole of the Said
Estate I give and bequeath unto my Children Matthew, Chloe,
Mills, [-page break-] Sally and John, to be equally and
fairly Divided, between and amongst them. Item I give and bequeath unto my Son
Mathew Westray One tract of Land Containing Seventy five Acres, being
the tract of Land formerly belonging to Benjamin Tomlin, Dec:d One forty Gallon
Still, and One young Bay Mare to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and
bequeath unto my Daughter Chloe Westray one Negro fellow called Dick to
her & her Heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter
Sally Westray three hundred pounds lawfull money to her & her heirs
forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my Son Mills Westray a Certain
tract or Parcel of land whereon William Westray now Lives Containing
fifty Acres & one Gun to him & his heirs forever. Item I give &
bequeath unto my Son John Westray my manor Plantation Containing Fifty
Acres to him & his heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto Margaret
Tomlin the widow of Benja_ Tomlin Deceased two Cows & c. Item I desire
that the residue of my Estate of all kind may be sold & after paying my
Debts & making good the legacy to my Daughter Sally Westray the
ballance if any I give & bequeath to all my Children to be equally and
fairly Divided amongst them & I do hereby appoint my friend & brother
William Westray Executor of this my last Will & testament in Witness
whereof I do here unto set my hand & affix my Seal this tenth Day of
January One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty.
Benjamin Westray (Seal)
Edmond Westray
Joseph Westray
Elias Westray
At a Court held for the Isle of Wight County February the 1st, 1781 this Will was presented in Court and proved by the Oaths of Edmund Westray, Joseph Westray, & Elias Westray, the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded, & William Westray the Executor therein named refused to take upon himself the ...then of the Execution thereof, And upon the motion of James Johnson who made Oath thereto according to law, and together with Edmund Westray, his security entered into bond in the penalty of one hundred thousand pounds with condition as the Law directs Certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the said Estate with the Will ann...ped of the said Benjamin Westray.