To all Christian People to whom this present Indented(?) Wicking(?) shall come I Thomas Lankford junior of the Parish of Newport and County of the Isle of Wight send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know ye That I Thomas Lankford junr and Margret Lakford his Wife as well for and in Consideration of the Natural Affection and good [-page break-] Good will which we have and do bear unto our Cousin Caelia Westray of the Parish and County aforesaid have given Granted and Confirmed and do hereby these Presents give Grant and Effectually Assure and absolutely Confirm unto the said Caelia Westray and to her heirs and Assigns for ever one Negro Girl named Fillis and her Increase to the said Caelia Westray to her onley Proper use and behoof for ever without any manner Claim Challenge or Demand of me the said Thomas Lankford jun. or any of my heirs executors Administrators or Assigns or from any other Person or Persons whatsoever, for me or in my name or by my Cause, Means, act, or Procurement, and without any Money or fees or other Priviledges thereof to be goilded(?) paid or done to me the said Thomas Lankford jun. or my Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns and The said Thomas Lankford junior do Deliver up the said Negroe Girl Fillis to the said Caelia Westray to her and her heirs forever. As Witness my Hand this Day of October 1764
Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presence of us
Joshua Councill | Tho:s Lankford jun | (LS) |
Hardy Lawrence | her | |
George Lankford | Margret > Lankford | (LS) |
mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County on thursday the 7th Day of February 1765
Thomas Lankford jun. came into Court and Acknowledged this Deed of Gift to Caelia Westray which is Ordered to be Recorded.
Ex.d Test. Rich.d Baker Cl