Court orders (1759-1763, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 81, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Ordered that the Sherif of this County summon Hardy Westray to appear at
the next Court to know if he will take Administration on the Estate of
Edward Westray deced.
Ordered that the Court be adjourned till Court in Course.
Joseph Bridger
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County, December 16th: 1759
Present |
John Eley |
Charles Fulgham |
James Bridger |
Daniel Herring Gent. |
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 83, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Ordered that the Church Wardens of Newport Parish bind out Fulgham
Westray & Mary Westray Orphans of Edward Westray deced.
as the Law Directs.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 84, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
John Westray Petitioning the Court for Administration on the Estate of
Edward Westray deced, the said John having taken the Oath of an
Administrator and given Bond as the Law Directs, Certificate is granted him for
obtaining Letters of Administration on the said decedents Estate in due form.
Robert Johnson, Daniel Battin, Arthur Turner, & John Morris or any three of
them being first sworn as usual are Appointed to Appraise the said decedents
Estate & Ordered that the said Appraisers return return an Appraisment
thereof to the next Court.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 132, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
On the Petition of William Westray against Joseph Parnall for two Pound
Eleven Shillings & four Pence Current Money said to be due by Account.
This Day came the Plt by James Hubbard his Attorney and the Deft having been
duly served with a Copy of the Plts Petition & Account & called and not
appearing, Therefore it is Considered that the Plt recover the same against the
said Deft together with his Costs by him in this Behalf expended.
An Appraisment of the Estate of Edward Westray deceased were returned
into Court by the Appraisers and Ordered to be Recorded.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 138, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Ordered that the Sherif of this County summon twenty four Free Holders of this
County, neither of which are Ordinary Freepers, Constables, Surveyors of High
Waies, or Owners or Occupiers of a Mill to appear at the next Court to be sworn
a grand Jury for the Body of this County.
The last Will and Testament of Hardy Westray deced was presented in
Court by Patience Westray the Executrix therein named who made Oath
thereto according to Law and being proved by the Oath of Edmund Westray
& Benjamin Westray two of the witnesses thereto is Ordered to be
Recorded and on the Motion of the said Executrix and on her performing what is
usual in such Cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate thereof
in due form. John Stroud, Daniel Battin, Robert Johnson, & John Morris or
any three of them being sworn as usual are appointed to Appraise the said
decedents Estate and Ordered that the said Appraisers retur... an Appraisment
thereof to the Court.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 174, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County September 4, 1760.
Present |
Thomas Applewhaite |
Willis Wilkinson |
John Eley |
Daniel Herring Gent |
Present Charles Fullgham Gent.
On the Complaint of Arthur Westray setting forth that his Sister Mary
Westray who is Bound as an Apprentice to Benjamin Westray is ill
Treated Ordered that the Sheriff summon the said Benjamin Westray to
appear in the next Court to answer the said Complaint.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 178, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
On the Petition of Arthur Westray setting forth that his Sister Mary
Westray who is bound an Apprentice to Benjamin Westray is ill
treated, the Court having heard the Arguments of the Parties, the said Petition
is Ordered to be Dismissed.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 246, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
On the Petition of John Westray Administrator &c. of Edward
Westray Deceased, against Joshua Hail and Thomas Norsworthy for One pound
seven Shillings and six pence Current Money, due by Note of Hand This Day came
the Plft. and Deft.s having been duly served with a Copy of the Plft.s
Petition, and called appeared, and the Plft. proving his Demand to be just
Therefore it is considered by the Court, that the Plft. recover the same
against the said Deft. together with his Costs by him in this behalf Expended.
On the Motion of William Eley an Evidence for John Westray Adm &c.
of Edward Westray Deceased, against Joshua Hail and Thomas Norsworthy,
It is Ordered that the said John pay him Twenty five Pounds of Tobacco
for one Day Attending.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Page 247, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Martha Broddie Petitioning the Court for a Licence to keep an Ordinary in the
Town of Smithfield within this County, the same is granted her, she giving Bond
as the Law Directs.
Present, Joseph Bridger, Dolphin Drew, Michael Eley, and Willis Wilkinson.
John Eley, James Bridger, and Daniel Herring Gent. or any two of them, are
appointed to Audite, State, and Settle, an Account Current of the Estate of
Edward Westray Deceased, and make Report thereof to the next Court.
Nicholas Parker, John Eley jun.r, John Scarsbrook Wills, Thomas Applewhaite
jun.r and George Purdie Gent. are recommended to his Honour the Liet.
Governour, as fit and able Persons to be Added to the Commission of the Peace
for this County.
John Westray is by the Court appointed Guardian to John Tomlin and
Harriss Tomlin, Orphans of Joseph Tomlin Deceased, who thereupon gave Bond as
the ... Directs.
Order Book Part 1 1759-1763, Pages 257-258, Isle of Wight County,
On the Petition of John Westray Administrator ... Edward Westray
Deceased against Joshua Haile and Thomas Norswor...y for Three Pounds Current
Money Due by Note of ...nd the D... came the Plft. and the Defts having b...
...uly served with a ... to ... P...tition a...lled appeared and ...Plft.s
De... ... dered by the [-page break-] Court that the Plft. recover the same
against the said said Def.ts together with his Costs by him in this behalf
Expended, and the said Def.ts in Mercy &c.
Ordered that the Court be adjourned till Tomorrow Morning 10 O'Clock.
Robert Burwell
At a Court Continued and held for the County of Isle of Wight, September
Present |
Robert Burwell |
James Bridger |
John Eley |
Daniel Herring |
Michael Eley Gent. |
Order Book Part 2 1759-1763, Page 281, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
On the Motion of John Westray, an Evidence for Thomas Norsworthy against
William Woodward, It is Ordered that the said Thomas Pay him One Hundred and
seventy five Pounds of Tob.o for seven Days Attendance.
Order Book Part 2 1759-1763, Pages 383-384, Isle of Wight County,
Charles Fullgham Gent. Sheriff of this County, ...
Ordered that the Court be adjourned till Court in Course.
Dolphin Drew
At a Court held for the County of Isle of Wight, on Thursday the Day of
January 1763.
Present |
Dolphin Drew | Michael Eley |
Daniel Herring | Nicholas Parker |
John Scarsbrook Wills Gent. |
The last Will and Testament of John Westray Deceas...d, was presented in
Court by Edmond Westray the Executor ...n Named who made Oath thereto
according to ...rd bus... ...oved by the Oath of Benjamin Westray jun.r
and R... Perce, two of the Witnesses thereto, is Ord...ed to be Record... ...e
the Motion of the [-page break-] the said Edmund Westray, and on his
performing what is usual in such Cases, Certificate is granted him for
obtaining Letters - Testamentary on the said Decedents Estate in Due form.
John Morriss, Daniel Batten, Peter Pearce, and Robert Johnston, or any three of
them, being first Sworn as usual, are appointed to Appraise the said Decedents
Estate, and Ordered that the said Appraisers return an Appraisement thereof to
the next Court.
Benjamin Westray is by the Court appointed Guardian to Harris Tomlin,
and John Tomlin, Orphans of Joseph Tomlin Deceased, in the room of John
Westray Deceased, who thereupon gave Bond as the Law Directs.
Order Book Part 2 1759-1763, Page 412, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
An Appraisment of the Estate of John Westray Deceased, was returned into
Court by the Appraisers, and Ordered to be Recorded.
Present James Brigger Gent.
Edmond Westray is by the Court appointed to Guardian to Daniel
Westray, Orphan of John Westray, Deceased, who thereupon gave Bond
as the Law Directs.
Daniel Herring Gent. is by the Court appointed Guardian to Martha
Westray, Orphan of John Westray, Deceased, who thereupon gave Bond
as the Law Directs.
Daniel Herring at a former Court Acknowledged his Indenture to Thomas Nelms,
Martha the Wife of the said Daniel Herring this Day came into Court, and having
been first privily Examined, relinquished her Right of Dower to the Land
contained in the said Indenture, which together with the said privy Examination
are Ordered to be Recorded.
Order Book Part 2 1759-1763, Pages 515-516, Isle of Wight County,
Ordered that John ... ...ner and Michael Eley ... A...sint ... [-page break-]
Current of the Estate of Needham Nolleyboy decd. and make report thereof
to the next Court.
Transcribed by Michael Wester