Court orders (1772, Isle of Wight County, Virginia)
Order Book 1772-1780, Page 2, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
in that behalf expended, Ant it is Ordered that the Sheriff make Sale of the
said Negros Slaves as the law directs and ... the money arising from such Sale
pay to the Plaintif (after satisfying the Judgment obtained by Herring &C.
against the said Westray) and make return of such Sale to the Court.
Nathaniel Burwell County Leiutenant ... James Bridger Coh.s and Dolphin Drew
Coh.s in the Militia in this County veuerally(?) took the usual Oaths to his
Majesty's Person and Government and repeated and subscribed the Test & were
Sworn accordingly.
Benjamin Westray having obtained an Attachment against the Estate of
Benjamin Westray who hath privately removed himself out of this County
or so absconds that the Ordinary Process of law cannot be served upon him for
ten pounds ten shillings & ten pence with Interest for the same to be
computed after the rate of five per Centum per Annum from the fourth day of May
1772 'til payment due by account and the Sheriff having made return that he had
attached on a Negro Girle named Rachell and one Negro boy named Will belonging
to the said Benjamin Westray, and the Plaintif having made Oath to the
Justness of his demand, and the Defendant not appearing tho' Solemnly called
Therefore on the motion of the Plaintif by the Attorney It is considered by the
Court that the Plaintif recover against the Defendant the said ten pounds ten
shillings and ten pence with Interest as above and his Costs by him about his
Suit in that behalf expended, And it is Ordered that the Sheriff make Sale of
the two negros Slaves as the law directs and out of the Money arising from such
Sale pay and satisfy the Plaintif this Judgment Costs after satisfying former
Attachment obtained against the said Benjamin Westray
Costs 146 ea Gross Tob.s & 15/ or 150 D Tob.s
An appraisement of the Estate of John Lawrance being returned is Ordered to be
Ordered that the Court be adjourned `til the Court in Course.
The Minutes of these proceedings were Signed
"James Bridger
Order Book 1772-1780, Page 5, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
William Hamilton & Company having obtained an Attachment against the Estate
of Benjamin Westray who hath privately removed himself out of this
County or so absconds that the Ordinary process of law cannot be served upon
him for Nine pounds seventeen Shillings and a halfpenny due by Bond and
accounts with Interest on three pounds sixteen shillings and one penny part
thereof to be computed after the rate of five per Centum per Annum from the
second day of April one thousand seven hundred and seventy two `til paid, and
the Sheriff having made return that he had Attached one Negro Girle named
Rachel and one Negro Boy named Will belonging to the said Benjamin
Westray and the Plaintifs having made Oath to the Justness of their Demand
and the Defendant not appearing tho' Solemnly called Therefore on the motion of
the Plaintifs by their Attorney It is considered by the Court that the
Plaintifs recover against tha...i... the Defendant the said nine pounds
seventeen shillings and a half penny with Interest as above and their Costs by
them about Suit in this behalf expended and It is ordered that the Sheriff make
Sale of the said Negros as the law directs and pay the produce ... or so much
thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy & pay this Judgment and Costs.
Costs 146 ea Gross Tobacco & 15/ or 150 D Tobacco
The Attachment obtained by Edmund Westray against the Estate of
Benjamin Westray is dismissed.
Andrew Mackie having obtained an Attachment against the Estate of Benjamin
Westray who hath privately removed himself out of this County or so
absconds that the Ordinary Process of law cannot be served upon him for five
pounds fourteen shillings and ten pence due by account and John Scarsbrook
Wills Gent Sheriff of this County having made return that he had attached one
Negro Girle named Rachel & one negro boy named
Costs 136 ea Gross Tobacco & 15/ or 150 D Tob.o
Order Book 1772-1780, Pages 11-12, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Upon the Petition of Edmund Westray setting forth that he is bound in
this Court as Security for Benjamin Westray's due and faithfull
Guardianship of John Tomlin and Harris Tomlin Orphans of Tomlin Dec.d
and that he apputan(?) [-page break-] himself to be in danger of suffering
Damages by reason thereof and the said Benjamin Westray having been duly
summoned and not appearing, It is Ordered that unless he within one Month from
this time give the Petitioner sufficient security to indemnify him against all
Damages that may happen to him by reason of his being Security as aforesaid
that he the said Benjamin Westray deliver the said Estate into the hands
of the Petitioner for his indemnification
Ordered that the Court be adjourned `till Tomorrow 10. O'Clock.
The Minutes of those Proceedings were signed
"James Bridger"
At a Court continued and held for Isle of Wight County on Fryday the third day
of July in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy
Present | James Bridger |
George Purdie and |
| Daniel Herring |
Thomas Peirce Gent. Justices |
Transcribed by Michael Wester