In the name of God amen I Edmund Westray of Isle of Wight County of sound mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for it, I do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following ___ Item I give to my son Jeremiah Westray ten pounds Cash, and one small gun, to him and his Heirs forever ___ Item I give to my Daughter Sophia Vick, ten pounds Cash, to her and her Heirs forever ___ Item I give to my three sons Joseph, Samuel and Elias Westrays twenty shillings Cash apiece to them and their Heirs forever ___ Item I give to son Levy Westray the plantation I now live on with one hundred acres of land, and all the rest of my estate within doors and without to him and his Heirs forever after my Debts paid. I do leave my Son Jeremiah, and Levi Westray my whole and Sole executors Revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me as Witness my hand and Seal this 13th day of July 1795.
Edmund Westray (Seal)
Nelson Westray |
Jacob Parkerson |
his |
John + Parnall |
mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County the 7th day of December 1795
This Will was presented in Court by Levi Westray one of the Executors
therein named who made affirmation thereto according to law, and the same being
proved by the oaths of Nelson Westray, Jacob Parkerson, & John
Parnall the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded, and on the motion of
the said Executor who together with Joseph Westray his security entered
into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of three thousand pounds with
[consideration as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining a
probate thereof in due form and liberty served the other executors therein
named to qualify as such when he shall think proper.]