In the Name of God. Amen. I Elizabeth Westray, Widdow, of the Isle of
Wight County, being under a very great Indisposition of bodily Health, but
sound and perfect in Memory, and Sences, blessed be God for the same, and
calling to Mind the Uncertainty of this frail Life, do think fit, to make this
my last Will, and Testament, in Manner and Form following, first, and
principally, I commit my Soul, into the Hands of Almighty God, who gave it, and
my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be buried in a Christian and
decent Manner and after all my Debts, are Justly satisfied, all my Estate that
it hath pleased Almighty God to indow me with, to be disposed of as
followeth. First [-page break-]
First. I Give, and Bequeath unto my Son William Westray my Plantation,
devised to me by the Will of John Mackmial which will now remains in the Clerks
Office of this County with all my Right and Property thereunto belonging to
him, and his Heirs forever.
2:dly. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Eunice Westray my Sett of
Curtains, and Vallens, and Coverlid so called to her and her Heirs forever.
Also I give her my Side Saddle.
3:dly. I Give and Bequeath, unto my Daughter Martha Westray my Cedar
Chest to her and Her Heirs forever.
4:thly. I Leave all the Remainder of my Personal Estate to be sold, at publick
sale, by my Executor, allowing Twelve Months Credit, and the amount thereof to
be devided in the Manner following. First It is my Will that my Son Robert
Westray, shall have double the Part that any of the Rest shall have, and
then the Rest of them, Namely, Benjamin, William, Eunice,
and Martha Westray to have equal Proportions of the sames which I Give
to each of them, and their Heirs forever.
5:thly. I Give my five Children to the Care of the Persons, hereafter
named, to be educated, and brought up in a Christian like Manner, agreeable to
their several Stations and Circumstances of Life. First I Give my Son
Benjamin to John Westray Jun:r. Secondly I Give my Son
William, to Thomas Harris. Thirdly, I Give my Daughter Eunice to
my Mother Elizabeth Nelms and the Care of settling my Son Robert.
Fourthly I Give my Daughter Martha to my Sister Mary Corbet.
& c
And Lastly, I Dordain, Constitute and appoint John Westray Jun:r my
whole, and sole Executor, of this my last Will and Testament to se the same
duly Executed, and performed, Revoking and disanulling, all Wills heretofore by
me made, or caused to be made. In Witness, whereof I have hereunto set my
Hand, and Seal. this 28:th Day of November 1750.
her | |
Eliz:a A Westray | (Seal) |
mark |
Signed, Sealed & pronounced to be her last Will & Testament In Presence
of us
his | her | |
William Eley, | John I Westray, | Patience X Westray |
mark | mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County Feb:ry 7:th 1750
The last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Westray, deceased, was presented in Court by John Westray Junr, the Executor therein named, who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oath of William Eley, and John Westray sen:r two of the Witnesses thereto, and Ordered to be Recorded.
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