In the Name of God Amen I Hardy Westray of the Isle of Wight County
being Very Sick and Week in Body but of Sound and Perfect Memory thanks be to
Almighty God for it I do hereby make this my last Will and Testament in Manner
and form as followeth
Imprimis I give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave
it me and to his Son Jesus Christ my mediator and Redemer in hopes that I shall
Receive full Pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and my Body I commit to the
Ground from whence it was taken and there to be Buried at the Discretion of my
Item. I give to my Aunt Patience Westray One Bay Horse, Bridle &
Saddle also one Bed and Blanket and all my meat and two Barrells of Corn. I
give it as a legacy.
Item. I give to my Brother Fulgham Westray all my Wareing Clothes. I
give it as a legacy.
Item. The rest of my Estate I Leave to be Equally Divided among Sarah
Fulgham and Mary Westray after my funeral Charges Paid. I do make
Patience Westray my Whole Executrix.
Revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me as Witness [-page break-] my
Hand and Seal this 5th Day of February 1760.
Edmund Westray | his |
Benjamin Westray | Hardy X Westray |
Alice Westray | Mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County April 3rd 1760.
The last Will and Testament of Hardy Westray deced, was presented in Court by Patience Westray the Executrix therein Named who m(a)de Oath thereto & being Proved by the Oath of Edmund Westray and Benjamin Westray two of the Witnesses thereto is Ordered to be Recorded.
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