In the name of God amen I Richard Worrell of ye Lower pish of the Isle of Wight
County being Blessed by almighty God sick and weak in bo... but in pfect mind
and memory and Knowing the Certainty of Dea... and uncertainty of the time do
by these psents make and ordain this my Last will & Testament in manner
& form following
Imprimis. I Committ my Soul into the hands of almighty God my maker [-page
break-] trusting through ye morit...g Christ my Saviour to be made partaker of
Everlasting Life and my body to ye Earth to be buried in Christian Buriall at
ye Discretion of my Exs hereafter named.
Item. I give and bequeath to my two Sons W:m and Rich:d Worrill all my Smiths
tooles to ye proper use of them and not to be Separated. I Likewise Give to my
Son William Worrill my Gun and my brass Cut Saw.
Item. I Give and bequeath to my son Richd Worrill all my Shoe makers tooles
and my Coopers tooles.
Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Dorfus worrill one feather Bed
and furniture
all ye Rest of my Estate an bequeathed Goods and Cattles whatsoever and
whosoever my Last Debt & funurall Expences first paid I Desire that it may
be equally divided amongst my wife and Children) viz (my two Sons & three
Daughters and in Case any of them dye before they Come to Age their part or
parts so dying it is my will that it may be Equally Divided amongst the Living
and it is my will that my father in Law Henry Runnalds Shall have ye over Sight
of my Children to place them where he sees Good till they Come to age and I do
by those psents make Constitute ordain and appoint my before mentioned father
in Law Henry Runnalds full and whole Executor of this my Last will and
Testament and I do by these psents utterly Revoke and make null and void all
former wills by me made. On Witness Whereof I have hereunto put my hand and
fixed my Seal this twenty Second day of March one thousand seven hundred and
his |
Rich:ar R Worrill |
marke |
Signed Seald & dilivered
In psents of
his |
William ? Weswra |
mark |
his |
John I Weswra |
marke |