This Indenture made the first Day December 1763. Between Jacob Stevens Jun.r & Martha his Wife of the County of Isle of Wight of the one part and William Westray of the same County of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Jacob Stevens jun.r and Martha his Wife, for and in Consideration of the Sum of fourteen Pounds Current Money of Virginia to them in Hand paid by the said William Westray before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof the said Jacob Stevens Doth hereby Acknowledge, Hath Granted, Bargained, Sold, and doth by these presents Grant, Bargain, Sell unto the said William Westray his Heirs and Assigns for ever, a certain Tract or Parcell of Land Situate lying and being in the County aforesaid Containing Eighty Acres be the same more or less, Beginning at the Mouth [-page break-] Mouth of a small Branch that makes out of the great Neck Branch, up the small Branch to a Pine, a Corner Tree of Robert Tomlin's so along a Line of Mark't Trees joining William Rand to a Corner Tree, a Hickory joining to John Harris Line at the great Neck Branch, down the said Branch to the Beginning, which said Land and Premises was by the last Will and Testament of Matthew Tomlin Deceas'd given to Martha Tomlin his Daughter now Wife of the said Jacob Stevens, which Will bearing Date the Day December 1751, now remaining in the Office of the County of Isle of Wight, Relation being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear, with all and singular the Reversion & Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents, Issues, and Profits thereof, and also all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim, & Demand of them the said Jacob Stevens & Martha his Wife, their Heirs of in, or to the same, or any part thereof To have and to hold the said Lands and Premises with all, and singular the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said William Westray his Heirs and Assigns for ever to the only proper Use and Behoof of the said William Westray his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And the said Jacob Stevens & Martha his Wife for themselves, their Heirs Executors Administrators, Doth Covenant, Promise, and Grant to, and with the said William Westray his Heirs and Assigns by these Presents, that they the said Stevens and Martha his Wife, do Warrant the said Land and Premises, and every part or parcel thereof, unto the said William Westray his Heirs and Assigns for ever, & against the Lawful Claim, Title, and Demand of the said Jacob Stevens, and Martha his Wife, their Heirs, & all, and every other Person or Persons whatsoever, shall & will Warrant, and for ever defend by these Presents. In Witness whereof we the said Jacob Stevens & Martha his Wife have hereunto set our Hands and Seals this Day and Year above Written.
Sign'd Seald & Deliver'd In presence
Jacob Stevens | |L: S| |
her | |
Martha X Stevens | (L: S:) |
Mark |
Received December 1763 of William Westray the Sum of fourteen Pounds being the Consideration within mentioned.
Witness. Jacob Stevens
[-page break-]
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County, on Thursday the Day of December 1763.
Jacob Stevens and Martha his Wife came into Court and Acknowledged this Indenture and Receipt to William Westray and the said Martha having been first privily Examined relinquished her Right of Dower to the Land contained in the said Indenture, which together with the said privy Examination, are Ordered to be Recorded.
E.d Test Rich Baker Cl: