Westwray to Ben: Westwray Deed of Gift.
To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come. I William
Westwray of the Lower parish of the Isle of Wight County Send Greeting in
the Name of Our Lord God Everlasting Now Know Ye that I the said William
Westwray for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving but
more especialy for the tender Love & good Will which I bear unto my loving
Son Benjamin Westwray Have and by these presents do for me and my Heirs
Executor Adm.s Give Grant Demise and fully and absolutely Lett and Set over
unto my said Son Benjamin Westwray and his Heirs for ever a parcel of
Land Bounded as followeth Beginning at the Mouth of a small Branch called the
Middle Branch so up the Swamp to a Branch that runs up through the Old ffeild
called Philips's Old ffeild so up the said Branch to Hardings Line so along
Lardings line of marked Trees to Turners Line so along Turners Line of marked
Trees to the Head of that Branch called the Middle Branch so down the said
Branch to the first Station being One Hundred Acres more or less being part of
the said William Westwrays patent. To Have and to Hold the said Tract
of Land with all & singular the Profitts & priveledges thereto
belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the aforesaid Benjamin
Westwray his Heirs & Assigns for ever without any Lett Hindrance
Contradiction or Molestation of him the said William Westwray his Heirs
Ex,rs or Adm.rs or any other person or Persons whatsoever from by or under him
or them Claiming and further I do Oblidge my self to Acknowledge the same in
the County Court held for the Isle of Wight County when thereto required
Witness my Hand and Seal this Twenty fourth Day of December in the year of our
Lord 1731
William W Westwray (seal)
[-page break-]
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Us
John Johnson | William W Edwards | Edward + Westwray |
mark | mark |
At a Court held for Isle of Wight County December the 27th: 1731 William Westwray came into Court presented & acknowledged his Deed of Gift unto his Son Benjamin Westwray and it is admitted to Record
Teste James Ingles Clk Cur
Vera Record Test. Jas Ingles CeCur.