To all Christian people whom these Presents shall come. I William Westwary of ye Lower Parrish of ye Isle of White County Send Greeting in the name of our Lord God everlasting now know ye that I the Said Willm Westwary for Divers good causes & Considerations me there unto moveing but more Especially for the tender Love and good will ... I bare unto my Loving Son John Westwary have & by these Presents do for me my heirs Executors administrators, give Grant Demise & fully and fully and absolutely Lett & Sett over unto my Said Son John Westwary & his heirs for ever one hundred acres of Land more or Less on the Plantation where William Seller did Live & bounded as followeth, beginning at the Swamp at a branch called the Long branch soup(?) ye S:d branch to the Land that the said John Westwary Purchased of Henry West so aLong that Land to another Small branch called the Wallnut neck branch so Down ye S:d branch to ye Said Swamp so Down the S:d Swamp to ye first Station. To Have and to Hold ye S:d Land & Plantation with all and Singular the profits and Priviledges thereto belonging or in any ways Apportaining unto him the afore Said John Westwary his Heirs & Assignes for Ever without any lett hindrance Contradiction or Molestation of him ye S:d William Westwary his heirs Executrs Administrs or any other Person or Persons whatsoever from by or under him or them Claimeing & further Do oblidge myself to acknowle... the Same in the County Court held for the Isle of Wight County when there Requried. [-page break-]
Witness my hand & Seal this twentith day of January In ye Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and twenty four.
Signed, Sealed & Deliverd | William Weswary | (seal) |
In ye Presance of us | his WW mark |
John Jonson |
his |
John IB Batten |
mark |
his |
Mikel MF Fulgum |
mark |
Aat a Court held for Isle of Wight County on 25 day of January 1724 William Westwary Came into Court & acknowledged this his Deed unto John Westwary and admitted to Record Test Ken Lightfoot Cl Cur