Nonstandard Applications of Computer Algebra

at ACA'2013 to be held July 2-6, 2013 in Málaga, Spain


Francisco Botana
Antonio Hernando
Eugenio Roanes-Lozano
Michael Wester


This session collects contributions that, while using Computer Algebra techniques and/or Computer Algebra Systems, can not easily be placed in the ``standard'' sessions. Examples of topics presented in previous conferences include: Verification and Development of Expert Systems (using algebraic techniques), Railway Traffic Control, Artificial Intelligence, Thermodynamics, Molecular Dynamics, Statistics, Electrical Networks, Logic, Robotics, Sociology, Integration, Mechanics, Discrete Mathematics, ...

Important remark: Submissions to this session should have an innovative ("nonstandard") component and must make explicit and justified use of computer algebra techniques or systems.  An application should be described.

Unlike previous years, we are not sure whether there will be a special issue of a journal devoted to this session or not.

To aid in the creation of a proceedings for the meeting, please use this LaTeX template for your abstract. (The document generated by this template is located here.) Send a copy of the .tex file and a PDF version of the abstract to the session organizers. If you are not familiar with LaTeX, you may also send a plain text version of your proposal. Proceedings will be published with an ISBN. If your proposal is accepted, you may send the session organizers an extended abstract or short paper of up to 5 pages by May 31 to be included in the proceedings. We look forward to your submissions!


  1. Simulating Car Traffic with Smart Signals using a CAS
    (José Luis Galán, Gabriel Aguilera, José Carlos Campos and Pedro Rodríguez, University of Málaga, Spain)
  2. Population–based anamorphosis maps for railway radial networks
    (Eugenio Roanes–Lozano, Alberto García-Álvarez, José Luis Galán-García and Luis Mesa, Spain)
  3. Designing Hamiltonian Cycles
    (Francisco de Arriba, Eusebio Corbacho and Ricardo Vidal, Spain)
  4. An algebraic approach to geometric proof using a Computer Algebra System
    (Michael Xue, Vroom Laboratory for Advanced Computing, USA)
  5. Envelope computation in dynamic geometry systems
    (Francisco Botana and Tomas Recio, Spain)
  6. Similarity Detection for Rational Curves
    (Juan G. Alcázar and Carlos Hermoso, Spain, and Georg Muntingh, Norway)
  7. A hybrid expert system for classic car recognition and originality evaluation
    (Eugenio Roanes-Lozano and Jesús Bonilla, Spain)
  8. Designing rotating schedules by using Gröbner bases
    (Raúl Falcón and David Canca, Spain, and Eva Barrena, Canada)
  9. Flexibility of Structures via Computer Algebra
    (Robert H. Lewis and Evangelos Coutsias, USA)
  10. Modeling reliability in propositions using computer algebra techniques
    (Antonio Hernando, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
  11. Obtaining combinatorial structures associated with low-dimensional Leibniz algebras
    (Manuel Ceballos, Juan Núñez and Ángel F. Tenorio, Spain)
  12. Padovan-like sequences and Bell polynomials
    (Nikita Gogin, Finland, and Aleksandr Mylläri, Grenada)

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