Computer Algebra in Education

at ACA'2016 to be held August 1-4, 2016 in Kassel, Germany


Michael Wester, University of New Mexico, USA
Alkis Akritas, University of Thessaly, Greece
Noah Dana-Picard, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
José Luis Galán García, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Elena Varbanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria


Education has become one of the fastest growing application areas for computers in general and computer algebra in particular. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) make for powerful teaching and learning tools within mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc. Among them are:
(a) the commercial "heavy weights" such as Casio ClassPad 330, Derive, Magma, Maple, Mathematica, MuPAD, TI NSpire CAS, and TI Voyage 200, and
(b) the free software/open source systems such as Axiom, Euler, Fermat, wxMaxima, Reduce, and the rising stars such as GeoGebra, Sage, SymPy and Xcas (the swiss knife for mathematics).

The goal of this session is to exchange ideas, discuss classroom experiences, and to explore significant issues relating to CAS tools/use within education. Subjects of interest for this session will include new CAS-based teaching/learning strategies, curriculum changes, new support materials, assessment practices from all scientific fields, and experiences of joint use of applied mathematics and CAS.

We emphasize that all levels of education are welcome, from high school to university, and that all domains are welcome, including teacher training, engineer training, etc.

If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract to the organizers. Please use this LaTeX template for your abstract and send both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF version. If you do not work with LaTeX, the submission may be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx file) and later, once accepted, we will try to adapt the proposal to the LaTeX template.


  1. Developing Competences in Higher Mathematics in a CAS Supported Learning Environment
    (E. Varbanova and M. Durcheva, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
  2. Improving mathematical competences by using modern technology
    (Jens Weitendorf, Norderstedt, Germany)
  3. Applications of CAS in the Teaching and Learning of Discrete Mathematics
    (M. Durcheva and E. Varbanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
  4. A Transparent Rule Based CAS to support Formalization of Knowledge
    (R. Oldenburg, University of Augsburg, Germany)
  5. The GUI CATO -- how natural usage of CAS with CATO modified the mathematical lectures and the interface itself
    (H.-D. Janetzko, Lübeck, Germany)
  6. Collaborative Use of KeTCindy and Free CASs for Making Materials
    (Setsuo Takato, Alasdair McAndrew, Masataka Kaneko, Toho University, Japan and Victoria University, Australia)
  7. Visualization of simplex method with Mathematica
    (Włodzimierz Wojasa and Jan Krupa, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  8. Real-time animated dynamic geometry in the classrooms by using fast Gröbner basis computations
    (Zoltán Kovács, Linz, Austria)
  9. Familiarizing students with definition of Lebesgue integral - examples of calculation directly from its definition using Mathematica
    (Włodzimierz Wojasa and Jan Krupa, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland)
  10. A framework for an ICT-based study of parametric integrals
    (Th. Dana-Picard and D. Zeitoun, Israel)

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