Janet Vassilev
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of New Mexico
Office:  SMLC 324  
email:  jvassil'at"unm.edu
Associate Professor
Chair: Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Associate Editor: Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
Ph.D., Mathematics, UCLA (1997),
Test ideals in Gorenstein isolated singularities and F-finite reduced rings,
Advisors: Richard Elman (UCLA) and
Craig Huneke (University of Virginia, formerly of KU and Purdue).
M.A., Mathematics, UCLA (1993).
B.A., Mathematics, University of Chicago (1991).

My primary research interests are in Commutative Algebra and in particular:
  • Closure/Interior operations and related structures
  • Tight Closure, Integral Closure and Basically Full Closure 
  • Local Cohomology
  • Singularity Theory
Curriculum Vita


 Fall 2024:   MATH 520 Abstract Algebra I  

Previous Courses

Postdoctoral Mentoring:
Shuai Wei, August 2022-May 2025.

Graduate Students:
Jiekai Pang, M.S., August 2024.
Sarah Poiani, Ph.D. May 2024.
Perla Maldonado, M.S. December 2022.
Ryan Bridges, M.S. August 2020.
Gregory Morre, Ph.D. August 2016.
Paige Mankey, M.S., December 2015.
Bryan White, Ph.D. May 2014.
Laurie Price, M.S., December 2011.

Undergraduate Students:
Cordelia Russell, B.S., Expected May 2025.
Hannah Butler, B.S., December 2016.
Andrew Baxter, B.S., May 2014.

High School Students:
John Keeney, Rio Rancho High School, 2015-2016.
Ruby Aidun, Albuquerque High School, 2014-2015.
Evan Liu, Albuquerque Academy, 2012-2013.
Katherine Cordwell, Manzano High School, 2011-2012.

Mathematics webpoints of interest:
American Mathematical Society
The Front
Math Genealogy
Penn's Math Around the World
Mathematics on the Web