

cl-prereductions, i-postexpansions and related structures, with Sarah Poiani,  arXiv:2303.00144.
How to extend closure and interior operations to more modules, with Neil Epstein and Rebecca R. G. to appear in Nagoya Math J.   
Differentially fixed ideals in affine semigroup rings, with Lance Miller and William Taylor,  Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 33 (2023), no. 6, 1127–1156
Differential operators, retracts, and toric face rings, with Christine Berkesch, C.Y. Jean Chan, Patricia Klein, Laura Felicia Matusevich, Janet Page, Algebra Number Theory 17 (2023), no. 11, 1959–1984.         
Integral closure, basically full closure, and duals of nonresidual closure operations, with Neil
Epstein and Rebecca R.G., J. Pure Appl. Algebra 227 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 107256, 33 pp. 
Nakayama closures, interior operations, and core-hull duality, with Neil Epstein and Rebecca R.G., J. Algebra 613 (2023), 46–86.
An illustrated view of differential operators of a reduced quotient of an affine semigroup ring, with Christine Berkesch, C.Y Jean Chan, Patricia Klein, Laura Felicia Matusevich and Janet Page, Women in commutative algebra, 49–94, Assoc. Women Math. Ser., 29, Springer, Cham, [2021], 2021
Star, semistar and standard operations: a case study, with Gregory Morre, J. Algegra 455 (2016), 209–234.
When is a Nakayama closure semiprime?, J. Commut. Algebra 6 (2014) no. 3, 439–454.
m-full and basically full ideals in rings of characteristic p, Rocky Mount. J. Math. 44 no. 2  (2014) 691-704.
A look at prime and semiprime operations of one dimensional domains, Houston J. Math. 38 no. 1 (2012), 1-15.
A formula for the *-core of an ideal, with Louiza Fouli and Adela Vraciu, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 no. 12 (2011) 4235-4245.
The cl-core of an ideal, with Louiza Fouli, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 149 (2010) 247-262.
When is the tight closure determined by the test ideal?. with Adela Vraciu, J. Comm. Alg. 1 (2009) 591-602.
Structure on the set of closure operations of a commutative ring, J. Alg. 321 (2009) 2737-2753.
Local cohomology modules with infinite dimensional socles, with Tom Marley, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132  (2004) 3485-3490.
Cofiniteness and associated primes of local cohomology modules, with Tom Marley, J. Alg. 256 no. 1 (2002) 180-193.
Test ideals in quotients of F-finite regular local rings, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998) 4041-4051.
Test ideals in Gorenstein isolated singularities and F-finite reduced rings, Thesis,  University of California, Los Angeles, 1997.

Edited Books:

Progress in Commutative Algebra 2: Closures, Finiteness and Factorization, edited with Chris Francisco, Lee Klingler and Sean Sather-Wagstaff, DeGruyter, Berlin, 2012.
Progress in Commutative Algebra 1: Combinatorics and Homology, edited with Chris Francisco, Lee Klingler and Sean Sather-Wagstaff, DeGruyter, Berlin, 2012.