Mischa Cotlar died in Jan 16, 2007. Mischa Cotlar was an exceptional mathematician and human being. Generations of mathematicians in Venezuela, Argentina, and other Latin American countries grew under his guidance. He was one of the world experts in harmonic analysis and operator theory.
In a conference in his honor held in Caracas for his 80th birthday in 1994, mathematicians like Laurent Schwartz, Elias Stein, Guido Weiss, Jean-Pierre Kahane came to honor him. This Afternoon in Honor to Mischa Cotlar is intended to highlight the very important mathematical contributions of this distinguished and extraordinary mathematician, and to keep alive his legacy.
The invited speakers are first rate mathematicians who were either disciples, long time collaborators or colleagues and friends of Mischa.
Program and Abstracts
We have collected testimonies from mathematicians around the world.
To view them click here.
This is a link to a webpage prepared by the Facultad de Ciencias at the Universidad Central de Venezuela where Mischa spent many years. http://euler.ciens.ucv.ve/~centana/mischa/mischa.htm
In 1990, a beautiful book, edited by Cora Sadosky, was published: "Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. A collection of papers dedicated to Mischa Cotlar". The volume contains papers by 60 distinguished mathematicians on areas dear to Mischa's own work: Harmonic and Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, and Partial Differential Equations.
It contains a description of The Mathematical Work of Mischa Cotlar, as well as a biography that we have receives permission from its author, Daniel Goldstein, to scan and post in this webpage (here). It also contains the induction of Professor Mischa Cotlar to the National Academy of Exact Sciences of Argentina by Professor Alberto Calderon (see text here).
In 1995, a second collection of papers, edited by Stefania Marcantognini, was published: "Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory: A Conference in Honor of Mischa Cotlar, January 3-8, 1994, Caracas, Venezuela".
This is a link to a web page (in Spanish) set up by the Instituto Argentino de Matematica, it includes links to PPUCE (Project for the Preservation of the Unity Science-Ethics), and a link to Mischa Cotlar's last book with Alejandra Maestripieri (online 2004, when Mischa was already 91 years old).
Here is a link for an article about Mischa Cotlar (in spanish) written by: Prof. Carlos Berenstein (University of Maryland, College Park) and Emeritus Prof. Norberto Kerzman (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Two articles in Spanish published by Venezuelan Mathematical Society in 1994 about Mischa.
The first one by Professors Eduardo Lima de Sá and Lázaro Recht (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela)
The second article by Prof. José R. (Chichi) Léon (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas)
Organized by Wilfredo Urbina (De Paul University/Universidad Central de Venezuela) and Cristina Pereyra (UNM). |