We have arranged for both on-campus and off-campus accommodations.
• UNM housing – Residence hall rooms are available in Alvarado Hall, a 5 minute walk to the SUB.
Single occupancy ($23 per person per night) and double occupancy ($18 per person per night) rooms are available. Eighty rooms have been reserved for the nights of Saturday June 26th through
the night of Wednesday June 30th. Occupants of the double rooms must be same-sex and registered for meeting. The residence hall has shared bathrooms, vending machines, washer/driers, free local
telephone service and internet access. No alcohol, smoking, children or pets are allowed. An exchange of towels and linens will be provided. Meal tickets are not available, but individual meals can be
purchased in the residence hall cafeteria. The rooms will be available at these rates until May 27th , 2004. Dorm rooms are still available, as of June 6th, at the quoted prices.
Please use the registration form to reserve a room at UNM.
Check in at Alvarado Hall • Hotel – The Doubletree Hotel in downtown Albuquerque (201 Marquette Ave NW) is the official hotel of the 2004 meeting. We have reserved 60 rooms for Saturday night June 26th and 120 rooms for Sunday night June 27th through Wednesday night June 30th . Single and double rooms are $69 per night plus tax.
The cost includes limited round-trip shuttle service to UNM, Sunday June 27th through Wednesday June 30th.
On weekdays, city bus service between the Doubletree Hotel and UNM is convenient and inexpensive - the hotel is a 3 minute walk to the Alvarado Center bus stop at the SE corner of Central Ave and 1 st St. The Route 66 bus will take you to UNM (10 minutes- $1 each way). A bus schedule is posted on the conference website. Sunday service is limited to 7:30AM-6PM. Weekday service from 6AM-10PM (every 10 or 20 minutes). The best access to UNM is from the stop at Cornell Dr (by Frontier Restaurant), 200 yards south of SUB . To reserve a room call either 1-888-223-4113 or 1-505-247-3344 by May 27, 2004. Identify yourself as being with the UNM Department of Math and Statistics group attending the WNAR/IMS Meeting. After May 27th, rooms may not be available at quoted price.
DoubleTree Hotel
201 Marquette Ave., NW Albuquerque, NM 87102
Reservations: 888-223-4113
WNAR/IMS Shuttle Bus Service
Free but limited UNM shuttle service to downtown (Doubletree Hotel- conference hotel).
UNM drop-off/pickup location: south of SUB on Redondo Rd by the UNM Bookstore.
Sun 6/27
1 trip from hotel to UNM for short course (8:00AM)
1 trip from UNM to hotel at end of short course (5:30PM)
2 early evening trips from hotel to UNM for mixer (6:15PM and 7:00PM)
2 return trips from UNM to hotel near end of mixer (8:45PM and 9:30PM)
Mon 6/28
2 early morning trips from hotel to UNM (7:45AM and 8:30AM)
2 late day return trips from UNM to hotel (5:15PM and 6:00PM)
Tues 6/29
2 early morning trips from hotel to UNM (7:45AM and 8:30AM)
2 late day return trips from UNM to hotel (5:15PM and 6:00PM)
Wed 6/30
2 early morning trips from hotel to UNM (7:45AM and 8:30AM)
2 early afternoon return trips from UNM to hotel (12:30PM and 1:15PM)