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UNM Campus

Invited Program

WNAR Presidential Address: Don Berry MD Anderson Cancer Center
Title:Why Bayes? Abstract of Talk
28 June 3:45pm-5:00pm

Short Course - Spatial Modeling, Brad Carlin, University of Minnesota
27 June (all day)

W1 Invited Paper Session Monday June 28th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Mortality Displacement: Inference from Air Pollution Time Series.
Organizer and Chair: Paul Switzer, Stanford University


  • Steven Roberts, Australian National University, "Properties of Mortality Displacement Estimates in the Context of Frail Population Models"
  • Leah Welty, Johns Hopkins University, "Flexible distributed lag models for quantifying the effects of weather and air pollution on daily mortality"
  • Chris Murray, University of Houston, "Statistical modeling of mortality displacement

W2 Invited Paper Session Monday June 28th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Inference using computer simulation code (WNAR)
Organizer: Dave Higdon, Los Alamos National Labs


  • Tilmann Gneiting, University of Washington, "Calibrated probabilistic weather forecasting using ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) and minimum CRPS estimation"
  • Dorin Drignei, National Center for Atmospheric Research, "Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Computer Experiments with Large Temporal Dimension"
  • Bruno Sanso, University of California Santa Cruz, "Statistical Inference for a Charged Particle Simulator"
  • Rick Routledge, Simon Fraser University, "Hydrodynamic modelling of a British Columbia fjord: linking local climate change and sockeye salmon declines"

W3 Invited Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 8:30am-10:15am
Genetics: Phylogentic Inference
Organizer and Chair: Laura Salter, University of New Mexico


  • Dennis Pearl, The Ohio State University, "Diagnosing and Reporting an MCMC Phylogenetic Analysis"
  • Li-Jung Liang, University of California, Los Angeles, "Constructing Hierarchical Priors with Application to Bayesian Phylogenetic Analyses"
  • Steve Poe, University of New Mexico, "Birds in a Bush: Power and polytomies in phylogenetic inference."

W4 Invited Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Homeland Security
Organizer and Chair: Sarah Michalak, Los Alamos National Labs


  • David Banks, Duke University, "Game Theory and Risk Analysis in Counterterrorism"
  • Mike Stoto, RAND Corporation, "Syndromic Surveillance: Is It Worth the Effort?"
  • Sam Bozette, RAND Corporation/University of California, San Diego, To be Announced
  • Larry Ticknor, Los Alamos National Labs, "Analysis of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms Genomic Data for Identification of Clinical and Environmental Isolates"

W5 Invited Paper Session Wednesday June 30th, 8:30am-10:15am
Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Organizer: Nando de Freitas, University of British Columbia


  • Paul Gustafson, University of British Columbia, "Bayesian model selection for semi-supervised and unsupervised learning"
  • Dustin Lang , University of British Columbia, "Fast inference in probabilistic graphical models"
  • Firas Hamze, University of British Columbia, "From Fields to Trees"

WI1 Invited Paper Session Monday June 28th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Applications of Multivariate Survival Analysis in Genetic Epidemiology
Organizer and Chair: David Glidden, University of California, San Francisco


  • Hongzhe Li, University of California, Davis, "The additive genetics gamma frailty model: estimation and inferences"
  • Li Hsu, University of Washington, Seattle, "On estimation of marginal hazards functions from the case-control family studies"
  • David Glidden, University of California, San Francisco, "General copula-checking strategies: applications to family studies"
  • Jason Fine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Functional Association Models for Multivariate Survival Processes"

WI2 Invited Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Social Network Analysis
Organizer and Chair: Peter Hoff, University of Washington


  • Steven K. Thompson, Penn State University, "Active Set Adaptive Sampling in Networks "
  • Mark Handcock, University of Washington, Seattle, "Assessing Degeneracy in Statistical Models of Social Networks "
  • James Holland Jones, Stanford University, "Likelihood-Based Model Selection for Sexual Partnership Distributions "


  • Peter Hoff, University of Washington, Seattle

I1 Invited Paper Session Monday June 28th, 8:30am-10:15am
Functional Data Analysis
Organizer and Chair: Gareth James, University of Southern California


  • Hans Mueller, University of California, Davis, "Functional Response Models"
  • Naisyin Wang, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M, "Accounting for Response Correlation in Varying Coefficient Models"
  • Gareth James, University of Southern California, "Curve Synchronization with Application to Functional Regression Models"

I2 Invited Paper Session Monday June 28th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Interval Censored Data: Theory and Methods
Organizer: Michael Kosorok, University of Wisconsin
Session Chair: Shangge Ma, Universiyt of Wisconsin


  • Nick Jewell, University of California, Berkeley, "Nonparametric Estimation from Bivariate and Case-Control Current Status Data"
  • Mouli Banerjee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, "Likelihood based inference for interval censored data: some recent developments and future directions"
  • Shuangge Ma, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Penalized Log-Likelihood Estimation for Partly Linear Transformation Models with Current Status Data"

I3 Invited Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Mixture Analysis: Theory and Applications
Organizer: Guenther Walther, Stanford University
Session Chair: Jonathan Taylor, Stanford University


  • Ramani S. Pilla, Case Western Reserve University, " Testing for the Order of Mixture Models via Perturbation Theory "
  • Jia Li, Penn State University, "Two-way Poisson Mixture Models for Simultaneous Document Classification and Word Clustering"
  • Guenther Walther, Stanford University, "Analyzing Flow Cytometry Mixture Data"

I4 Invited Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methodology
Organizer and Chair: Jim Hobert, University of Florida


  • Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University, "A Mutant Gibbs Sampler: Incompatibility, Instability, and Nonidentifiability Redeemed"
  • Jim Hobert, University of Florida, "A Mixture Representation of the Stationary Distribution"
  • Galin Jones, University of Minnesota, "Output Analysis for Markov Chain Monte Carlo"

I5 Invited Paper Session Wednesday June 30th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Model Selection
Organizer:Mark van der Laan, University of California, Berkeley
Session Chair: Jason Fine, University of Wisconsin


  • Peter Bickel, University of California, Berkeley, Cross validation for constructing adaptive minmax procedures
  • Jonathon Taylor, Stanford University , "Connections between stagewise algorithms and the LASSO"
  • Sunduz Keles , University of California, Berkeley," Asymptotic optimality of cross-validation in density estimator selection and in model selection with right censored outcomes "