Invited Program
WNAR Presidential Address: Don Berry MD Anderson Cancer Center
Title:Why Bayes? Abstract of Talk
28 June 3:45pm-5:00pm
Short Course - Spatial Modeling, Brad Carlin, University of Minnesota
27 June (all day)
W1 Invited
Paper Session Monday June 28th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Mortality Displacement: Inference from Air Pollution Time Series. (WNAR)
Organizer and Chair: Paul Switzer, Stanford University
Steven Roberts, Australian National University, "Properties of Mortality Displacement Estimates in the Context of Frail Population
Leah Welty, Johns Hopkins University, "Flexible distributed lag models for quantifying the effects of weather and air pollution
on daily mortality"
Chris Murray, University of Houston, "Statistical modeling of mortality displacement
W2 Invited
Paper Session Monday June 28th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Inference using computer simulation code (WNAR)
Organizer: Dave Higdon, Los Alamos National Labs
- Tilmann Gneiting, University of Washington,
"Calibrated probabilistic weather forecasting using ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) and minimum CRPS estimation"
- Dorin Drignei, National Center for Atmospheric Research, "Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Computer Experiments with Large Temporal Dimension"
- Bruno Sanso, University of California Santa Cruz, "Statistical Inference for a Charged Particle Simulator"
- Rick Routledge, Simon Fraser University, "Hydrodynamic modelling of a British Columbia fjord: linking local climate change and sockeye salmon declines"
W3 Invited Paper
Session Tuesday June 29th, 8:30am-10:15am
Genetics: Phylogentic Inference (WNAR)
Organizer and Chair: Laura Salter, University of New Mexico
Dennis Pearl, The Ohio State University, "Diagnosing and Reporting an MCMC Phylogenetic Analysis"
Li-Jung Liang, University of California, Los Angeles, "Constructing Hierarchical Priors with Application to Bayesian Phylogenetic
Steve Poe, University of New Mexico, "Birds in a Bush: Power and polytomies in phylogenetic inference."
W4 Invited
Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Homeland Security (WNAR)
Organizer and Chair: Sarah Michalak, Los Alamos National Labs
- David Banks, Duke University,
"Game Theory and Risk Analysis in Counterterrorism"
- Mike Stoto, RAND Corporation,
"Syndromic Surveillance: Is It Worth the Effort?"
- Sam Bozette, RAND Corporation/University of California, San Diego, To be Announced
- Larry Ticknor, Los Alamos National Labs,
"Analysis of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms Genomic Data for Identification of Clinical and Environmental Isolates"
W5 Invited
Paper Session Wednesday June 30th, 8:30am-10:15am
Statistical Learning and Data Mining (WNAR)
Organizer: Nando de Freitas, University of British Columbia
- Paul Gustafson, University of British Columbia, "Bayesian model selection for semi-supervised and unsupervised learning"
- Dustin Lang , University of British Columbia, "Fast inference in probabilistic graphical models"
- Firas Hamze, University of British Columbia, "From Fields to Trees"
WI1 Invited
Paper Session Monday June 28th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Applications of Multivariate Survival Analysis in Genetic Epidemiology (IMS/WNAR)
Organizer and Chair: David Glidden, University of California, San Francisco
- Hongzhe Li, University of California, Davis, "The additive genetics gamma frailty model: estimation and inferences"
- Li Hsu, University of Washington, Seattle, "On estimation of marginal hazards functions from the case-control family studies"
- David Glidden, University of California, San Francisco, "General copula-checking strategies: applications to family studies"
- Jason Fine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Functional Association Models for Multivariate Survival Processes"
WI2 Invited
Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Social Network Analysis (IMS/WNAR)
Organizer and Chair: Peter Hoff, University of Washington
- Steven K. Thompson, Penn State University, "Active Set Adaptive Sampling in Networks "
- Mark Handcock, University of Washington, Seattle, "Assessing Degeneracy in Statistical Models of Social Networks "
- James Holland Jones, Stanford University, "Likelihood-Based Model Selection for Sexual Partnership Distributions "
- Peter Hoff, University of Washington, Seattle
I1 Invited
Paper Session Monday June 28th, 8:30am-10:15am
Functional Data Analysis (IMS)
Organizer and Chair: Gareth James, University of Southern California
- Hans Mueller, University of California, Davis, "Functional Response Models"
- Naisyin Wang, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M, "Accounting for Response Correlation in Varying Coefficient
- Gareth James, University of Southern California, "Curve Synchronization with Application to Functional Regression Models"
I2 Invited
Paper Session Monday June 28th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Interval Censored Data: Theory and Methods (IMS)
Organizer: Michael Kosorok, University of Wisconsin
Session Chair: Shangge Ma, Universiyt of Wisconsin
- Nick Jewell, University of California, Berkeley, "Nonparametric Estimation from Bivariate and Case-Control Current Status Data"
- Mouli Banerjee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, "Likelihood based inference for interval censored data: some recent developments and future directions"
- Shuangge Ma, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Penalized Log-Likelihood Estimation for Partly Linear Transformation Models with Current Status Data"
I3 Invited
Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Mixture Analysis: Theory and Applications (IMS)
Organizer: Guenther Walther, Stanford University
Session Chair: Jonathan Taylor, Stanford University
- Ramani S. Pilla, Case Western Reserve University, " Testing for the Order of Mixture Models via Perturbation Theory "
- Jia Li, Penn State University, "Two-way Poisson Mixture Models for Simultaneous Document Classification and Word Clustering"
- Guenther Walther, Stanford University, "Analyzing Flow Cytometry Mixture Data"
I4 Invited
Paper Session Tuesday June 29th, 1:45pm-3:30pm
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methodology (IMS)
Organizer and Chair: Jim Hobert, University of Florida
- Xiao-Li Meng, Harvard University, "A Mutant Gibbs Sampler: Incompatibility, Instability, and Nonidentifiability Redeemed"
- Jim Hobert, University of Florida, "A Mixture Representation of the Stationary Distribution"
- Galin Jones, University of Minnesota, "Output Analysis for Markov Chain Monte Carlo"
I5 Invited
Paper Session Wednesday June 30th, 10:30am-12:15pm
Model Selection (IMS)
Organizer:Mark van der Laan, University of California, Berkeley
Session Chair: Jason Fine, University of Wisconsin
- Peter Bickel, University of California, Berkeley, Cross validation for constructing adaptive minmax procedures
- Jonathon Taylor, Stanford University
, "Connections between stagewise algorithms and the LASSO"
- Sunduz Keles , University of California, Berkeley,"
Asymptotic optimality of cross-validation in density estimator selection and in model selection with right censored outcomes