Let us consider periodic solutions for equation (1), provided
is small or, equivalently, that these solutions have
small amplitudes.
An asymptotic expansion, containing only bounded functions,
is called a uniform expansion.
The possibility to obtain a uniform expansion, using standard
asymptotic methods [7], for example, Poincare-Lindstedt [8]
or Krylov-Bogoliubov [9] ones, depends on values of the
frequencies in zero approximation. If
equation (1) is a linear one and has periodic solutions of the form
(2) with frequencies in time
There are two fundamentally different cases.
then it is a non-resonance case.
The periodic asymptotic solutions in non-resonance case are well known. To obtain these solutions with any degree of exactness standard asymptotic methods can be used.
The resonance case, when there exist two frequencies ,
relation is rational, is more difficult. The Krylov-Bogoliubov method and
the standard variant of the Poincare-Lindstedt method allow to find periodic solutions
only in a few leading orders in
The important example of resonance case is the massless
and all relations of
frequencies are rational. It is the main resonance case. Using the
standard asymptotic methods one cannot construct a periodic solution even
to the first order in
It is possible to transform
differential equations in a system of nonlinear algebraic equations in
Fourier coefficients and frequencies using the Poincare-Dulac's normal
form method. The algorithm of this procedure was constructed [10,11]
and realized in the software for symbolic and algebraic computation REDUCE [12] (the system NORT [13,14]). But algorithm to
solve the obtained algebraic system has yet to be realized.