ACA'99 Session: Demos of Computer Algebra Systems


Michael Wester ( &
Winfried Neun (


Appropriate to a conference on applications of computer algebra, this session will present live demonstrations of various computer algebra systems in which the presenter(s) will demonstrate features that make their favorite system unique and of interest to the user community. Such demonstrations would ideally involve presenting complete, but not too complicated series of examples, allowing time for audience requests as interest warrants. Features such as the user interface, expressiveness of the builtin language, system capabilities, speed of calculation, ease of use, ... are all important topics to note. Systems large and small, commercial and otherwise are all encouraged to particpate. The session will begin with an overview lecture.


  1. Solving a RLC Circuit using Convolution with DERIVE for Windows
    (Michel Beaudin)
  2. SOLDE: A REDUCE Package for Solving of Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations
    (Lev M. Berkovich)
  3. The Computer Algebra System CoCoA
    (Lorenzo Robbiano)
  4. The REDLOG Package---Tools and Applications
    (Volker Weispfenning)

  5. (Michael Wester)

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