Computer Algebra in Education

at ACA'2013 to be held July 2-6, 2013 in Málaga, Spain


Michel Beaudin, ETS, Canada
Michael Wester, University of New Mexico, USA
José Luis Galán García, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Alkis Akritas, University of Volos, Greece
Bill Pletsch, Central New Mexico Community College, USA
Elena Varbanova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria


Education has become one of the fastest growing application areas for computers in general and computer algebra in particular. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) make for powerful teaching and learning tools within mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc. Among them are: (a) the commercial "heavy weights" such as Casio ClassPad 330, Derive, Magma, Maple, Mathematica, MuPAD, TI NSpire CAS, and TI Voyage 200, and (b) the free software/open source systems such as Axiom, Euler, Fermat, wxMaxima, Reduce, and the rising stars such as GeoGebra, Sage, SymPy and Xcas (the swiss knife for mathematics).

The goal of this session is to exchange ideas, discuss classroom experiences, and to explore significant issues relating to CAS tools/use within education. Subjects of interest for this session will include new CAS-based teaching/learning strategies, curriculum changes, new support materials, and assessment practices from all scientific fields.

To aid in the creation of a proceedings for the meeting, please use this LaTeX template for your abstract. (The document generated by this template is located here.) Send a copy of the .tex file and a PDF version of the abstract to the session organizers. If you are not familiar with LaTeX, you may also send a plain text version of your proposal. Proceedings will be published with an ISBN. If your proposal is accepted, you may send an extended abstract or short paper of up to 5 pages to be included in the proceedings. We look forward to your submissions!


  1. Computer Algebra - the engine of transition to activity-based approach in mathematics education
    (Elena Varbanova and Elena Shoikova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
  2. CAS: A Tool for Improving Autonomous Work
    (Alfonsa García, Francisco García, Ángel Martín del Rey, Gerardo Rodríguez and Agustín de la Villa, Spain)
  3. Assessing Mathematical Content in a Technology Environment Discussion Panel [1 hour]
    (A. Homero Flores, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM, México)
  4. In praise of rectangular systems
    (David Jeffrey, University of Western Ontario, Canada)
  5. Investigating Magic Squares in a Linear Algebra Course
    (Karsten Schmidt, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  6. Polynomial Systems Solving with Nspire CAS (Part I, Part II) [1 hour]
    (Michel Beaudin, Gilles Picard and Geneviéve Savard, ETS, Canada)
  7. Omega - a free online Computer Algebra System Explorer
    (Michael Xue, Vroom Laboratory for Advanced Computing, USA)
  8. Some maths problems for the average citizen
    (Eugenio Roanes-Lozano and Justo Cabezas-Corchero, Spain)
  9. Using Computer Algebra in Mathematics for Engineers
    (Thomas Westermann, University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  10. Global application of CAS tools for teaching in Computer Engineering degrees
    (S. Cárdenas, I. Fortes, I. Pérez de Guzmán, S. Sánchez and A. Valverde, Spain)

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