MATH 306/506
pring 2012

Homework 0 (due Mon Jan 23, 2012): Attempt Problem 1 in Chapter 0, page 6. If you know how to solve the treasure Island problem then please write down your solution and turn it in on Monday (do not copy a solution found in the book, that will defeat the purpose of the homework).

Reading enrichment: Chapter 1 in Stefan Kulczycki's book Non-euclidean Geometry From the History of geometry (pdf file generated by the scanner).

Group Project 1 (Week of Jan 23-Jan 25): In this project we explore different plane models from the point of view of the incidence axioms. Different groups investigate different models. handout (pdf file generated by me).

Homework 1 (due Mon Jan 30, 2012---> Wed Feb 1): Do problems 2 and 3 in the Appendix, page 354.

Homework 2 (due Mon Feb 13, 2012---> Wed Feb 2): Do the following problems in Chapter 1
Sec 1.1: Exercise 1 (page 14)
Sec 1.2: Exercises 4 and 5 (page 38)

Homework 3 (due Mon Feb 20, 2012): Do the following problems in Chapter 1
Sec 1.2: Exercise 12, 13 (page 39)
Sec 1.3: Exercise 1, 6 (do part (e) only if you know mathematical induction), 11 (pages 57-58)

Additional problems to be discussed in class, but it will help if you think a little bit about them before hand: Section 1.3 Problems (12 & 24), (16 & 26), 17 (pages 59-61).

I want you now to redo the treasure island problem (see Now solve this 1.13 in page 55) and Problem 37 in Section 1.3 page 63 (This will be due after the exam and will be graded and returned with your Homework 0).

Homework 4 (due Wed March 7, 2012):
Sec 2.1: Exercises 1 and 8 (page 87-88).
Section 2.2: Exercises 3, 14 (pages 99-102).

Homework 5 (due Wed March 28, 2012):
Sec 3.1: Exercises (7 or 8), 9, (18 or 19) (pages 126-129).
Sec 3.2: Exercises (5 or 6), (14 or 15) (pages 141-144).

Homework 6 (due on Monday April 16th):
Section 4.1: 3, 16.
Section 4.2: 5, 9.
Section 4.3: 1 (Example 4.4 may be useful).

Return to: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico

Last updated: April 3, 2012