The following are sample topics for the presentation at highschools.
Student-pairs in the Outreach Program can also choose their own topic,
with the help of their faculty mentor.
[1.] Visualizing bifurcations using soapfilms. (Mentored by Monika Nitsche)
A simple experiment can be performed in the classrooms in which students
measure the size of two bubbles connected by a tube as a function of the
volume of fluid within the bubble. From the size they deduce radius of
curvature and pressure. The students can then obtain a
plot of volume vs pressure which leads to a discussion of bifucations.
Similarly, other experiments visualizing bifurcations can be performed.
The golden ratio. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
The ancient Greeks as well as artists and thinkers from the
renaissance were facinated by this number, believing for example that the most
aesthetically appealing rectangles are those whose sides have ratio equal to the
golden ratio. The golden ratio naturally links geometry, algebra, and thanks to
ancient numerologists, art.
[3.] The Fibonacci numbers. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
This very simply defined sequence of numbers turns
up everywhere in art, nature, and mathematics. The Fibonacci numbers are
a recursively defined sequence so some time and fun can be had discussing
what this means and giving examples. The Fibonacci numbers have all kind of
wonderful, suprising properties, and even the golden ratio appears as a limit
of successive quotients of Fibonacci numbers.
[4.] Voting theory. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
In large scale elections in this country, we only indicate
our top choice of candidate on the ballot. It might seem reasonable, instead,
to make a full list of candidates in order of preference as this would provide
more information. Unfortunately, it is a well known theorem that as soon as there
are more than two candidates, this type of preferential ballot leads to many
unwanted and interesting consequences!
[5.] Irrationality of the square root of two. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
In addition to the very well-known
proof which uses the property of unique factorization of integers, there is
a beautiful geometric proof which reveals the same problem. At a much higher
level, it is possible to exhibit rational numbers which are ``too close'' to the square
root of two, forcing it to be an irrational number.
[6.] Fractals. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
Students can personally engage in building the beginnings of simple
fractals such as the Koch snowflake or, collectively, the Sierpinski gasket. In addition to
having some fun with geometric shapes and working together, this provides a nice
opportunity to look at some geometric and arithmetic series, relating to the
area/perimeter of these fractals.
[7.] Regular tilings of the plane. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
There are only three regular polygons (triangle,
square, and hexagon) which can be used to tile the plane. It is a nice combination
of geometry and arithmetic to show this. Time permitting, one could talk about
all of the marvelous pictures of Escher which are also tilings of a plane, this time
the hyperbolic plane.
[8.] The quadratic formula. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
The quadratic formula comes from a process known
as ``completing the square.'' Most students do not realize that the algebraic
process of completing the square corresponds to a geometric picture where you really
are completing a square. This interplay of geometry and algebra would be very
[9.] Game theory. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
Here students play some simple games, both zero sum and not
zero sum, and discuss their strategies. There are some beautiful theorems in game
theory which can be discussed to accompany this.
[10.] Probability theory. (Mentored by Michael Nakamaye)
This is a rich source of hands--on problems, including
simple questions about coins and/or cards. The important distinction between
theoretical and experimental probability can be discussed and a link can be made
with statistics (for example by plotting the class results for a simple experiment such
as tossing a coin ten times over and over again).