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Minicourse: Matrix Analysis, Spectral Theory. Profs.
Anna Skripka and Maxim Zinchenko.
Matrix analysis and, in particular, spectral theory are widely used in many areas of
mathematics and its applications to other sciences. Introductory ideas of spectral
theory (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) first appear in Linear Algebra and Differential
Equations. They will serve as an entry point for our minicourse. We will explore these
ideas in a more general context of matrix analysis and differential operators. We will
start with discussion of spectral theory for finite matrices and its applications to
differential equations, problems of classical mechanics, and Markov processes. We will
also consider perturbation problems, making an introduction to one of the proposed REU
projects. Then we will extend ideas of finite dimensional spectral theory to infinite
dimensional setting and discuss its applications to partial differential equations of
mathematical physics.