Mini Courses 2012-2015
Field Trips
Participant support
Application Process
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Summer 2015:
Daily Schedule
Participants 2015, Weeks 1-3
Participants 2015, Week 4

Summer 2014:
Daily Schedule
Lecture Notes
Participants 2014, Weeks 1-3
Participants 2014, Week 4
Photo Gallery

Summer 2013:
Daily Schedule
Lecture Notes
Participants 2013, Weeks 1-3
Participants 2013, Week 4
Photo Gallery

Summer 2012:
Daily Schedule
Lecture Notes
Participants 2012
Photo Gallery

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In each summer of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UNM will offer a month-long MCTP-funded Math Camp. This program is designed to introduce undergraduate students to ideas in both pure and applied mathematics they are less likely to see in a standard classroom, and also includes a focus on education.

The Math Camp consists of 4 week-long minicourses in several areas out of algebraic structures, matrix analysis, Fourier analysis and wavelets, modeling infectious diseases, statistical approaches applied to genetics and evolution, numerical analysis, fluid dynamics, and topics in mathematics education. One week will be devoted to each topic with a two-day break for field trips. Here we visit some of our national laboratories and institutes, and explore New Mexico.

Participants are supported with a stipend, per diem, and travel support and lodging for non-locals, see Participant support.

There are various goals of this program:

  1. Explore important ideas in pure and applied mathematics which are not always adequately covered in the normal undergraduate curriculum
  2. Learn to think independently on open ended questions
  3. Build a supportive community for those interested in learning mathematics
  4. See rich relationships between different areas of mathematics
  5. Provide an enrichment opportunity for teachers and educators in the NM area.

We welcome participants with a variety of different backgrounds. In particular, this should be an ideal opportunity for all mathematics students, both pure and applied, and those interested in education, to broaden their background. At the end of the month-long program we hope that students will go away with a deeper understanding of the profound unity and utility of the mathematical sciences.

Participants from the University of New Mexico will be encouraged to undertake a research project during the academic year following the summer camp, possibly motivated by the material seen in the camp. Such research work leads to an Honors thesis. For more information, see Research Experience for Undergraduates.

We especially encourage women and minority students to apply.

High School teachers are particularly encouraged to apply to the Mathematics Education component in week 4 of 2013, 2014, 2015, as well as the remaining workshop, as interested.

Summer Camp Schedule
Summer 2012    July 4 - August 3, 2012
Summer 2013   July 4 - August 2, 2013
Summer 2014   July 2 - August 1, 2014
Summer 2015   May 28 - June 26, 2015