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Eligibility Criteria for UNMs Summer Math Camp 2015

Any undergraduate student from the SW United States and High School teachers that meets the criteria below can apply to participate in the Math Camp. You can apply to participate in either only the first 3 weeks, only the last week, or all 4 weeks. There are a limited number of funded spots available. The number of student/teacher participants that can be funded are

Number participants in first 3 weeks: 16-19
Number participants in the last week: 22-25

Eligibility Criteria for Summer 2015 Funding:

  1. All participants must be a citizen or a permanent resident.
  2. Must be a full time undergraduate student in Spring 2015 (can have graduated in May 2015), or a K-12 teacher.
  3. Must devote full time to the program without engaging in other course work or employment during the weeks of the Math Camp.
  4. Must have the required minimal background (see below).

Background for Weeks 1-3:
Minimal background: Differential and Integral Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations.
Preferred background: in addition to the above, any of: numerical analysis, advanced calculus (or an introduction to proofs),and undergraduate complex analysis.
This list is a guideline only: in particular, this program provides an ideal opportunity for those with a strong pure mathematics background to learn some computational and applied mathematical techniques and vice versa. If in doubt about your level of preparation please contact Prof. Nitsche at:

Background for Weeks 4:
A strong interest in Mathematics Education.

Minorities and women are specially encouraged to apply for funding.

K-12 teachers are particularly encouraged to apply to the Mathematics Education component in week 4, as well as to the remaining workshop, as interested.