Registration Fee
Registration Form
Invited Speakers
Program (overview)
Please register by February 20, 2013.
Funds are limited, so the sooner you register, the better.
Note: All students must have a faculty mentor at their
home institution to register.
To register, please
email the following information
to Professor Monika Nitsche at
If you are a student
Please state: I am a student
Your Name:
Your Institution:
Your email address:
Year (Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior):
Gender (Male/Female):
Ethnicity (White/Hispanic/African American/American Indian/Asian/Other-specify):
Faculty Mentor:
Your mentor's email address:
Will you present a talk? (Yes/No)
If yes, title AND abstract of your talk:
Choice for saturday dinner: (Chicken/Beef/Vegetarian)
If you are a faculty member
Please state: I am a faculty member
Your Name:
Your Institution:
Your email address:
Gender (Male/Female):
Ethnicity (White/Hispanic/African American/American Indian/Asian/Other-specify):
Choice for saturday dinner: (Chicken/Beef/Vegetarian)