Many mathematical and industrial problems can be translated to
formulas consisting of
polynomial equations, inequalities, quantifiers (
and Boolean operators (
Such formulas construct sentences in the so-called first-order theory
of real closed fields
and are called first-order formulas.
where Q is the fields of rational numbers,
a vector of quantified variables,
a vector of unquantified parameter variables.
Xj a block of qj quantified variables for
In general, quantified formula
is given
QE procedure is an algorithm
to compute equivalent qf formula for
a given first-order formula.
If all variables are quantified, i.e. m=0,
QE procedure decides whether the given formula (5)
is true or false. This problem is called decision problem.
When there are some unquantified variables U,
QE procedure find a qf formula
describing the range of possible U where
is true. If there is no such range QE outputs false.
This problem is called general quantifier elimination problem.
The history of the algorithms QE begins with Tarski-Seidenberg decision procedure in 1950's ([17],[14]). But this is intricate and far from feasible. In 1975, Collins presented a more efficient general purpose QE algorithm based on Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) [5]. The algorithm has improved by Collins and Hong in [6] and was implemented on SACLIB as ``QEPCAD'' by Hong. Weispfenning also presented a very efficient QE algorithm based on test terms [18],[19]. Though there is some degree restriction of a quantified variable in input formulas for this approach, it seems very practical. Implementation of the method was done on Reduce as ``REDLOG'' and Risa/Asir 1 [13] by Sturm [15], [16]. Here we use both QE implementation on Risa/Asir and REDLOG.