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The exact solution of system (5)

The aim of this section is to find the analytical form of the function, which Fourier coefficients satisfy system (5). For arbitrary $q\in(0,1)$ let us define the following sequence:

\begin{displaymath}{\bf f}\stackrel{\rm def}{=}\{\;\forall n\in
...^{n-1/2}}{1+q^{2n-1}},{ }
{ }{ } f_{2n}^{\vphantom{+}}=0\;\}.

The terms of the sequence ${\bf f}$ are proportional to Fourier coefficients of the Jacobi elliptic function $\bf cn$ [2]:

\begin{displaymath}\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)=\frac{\gamma}{k}\sum_{n=1}^\inf...
...} \mbox{ , \ \ \ }
z\in \hbox{\rm I\hskip-2pt\bf R}.
\eqno (6)

Let us clarify introduced notations and point out some properties of the elliptic cosine:

1) Basic periods of the doubly periodic function $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)$are 4K(k) and $2K(k)+2\dot\imath K'(k)$, where K(k) is a full elliptic integral, $K'(k)\equiv K(k')$ and $k'=\sqrt{1-k^{2^{\vphantom{+}}}}$.

2) The parameter q in the Fourier expansion can be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals: $q\equiv e^{-{\displaystyle\pi}\frac{K'}{K^{\vphantom{+}}}}$.

3) The Fourier-series expansion of the function $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)$ does not include even harmonics. This expansion is valid in the following domain of the complex plane: $-K'<\Im m\: z<K'$, in particular, for $z\in \hbox{\rm I\hskip-2pt\bf R}$.

4) If $z\in \hbox{\rm I\hskip-2pt\bf R}$ and $k\in(0,1)$, then $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)\in \hbox{\rm I\hskip-2pt\bf R}$.

5) The function $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)$ is a solution of the following differential equation:

\begin{displaymath}\frac{d^2\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)}{dz^2}=(2k^2-1)\mathop...
...nolimits(z,k)-2k^2\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits^3(z,k).
\eqno (7)

The latest property means that the infinite sequence of the Fourier coefficients for $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)$ is a solution of some infinite system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Let us find this system.

On the one hand, it is clear from (6) that the Fourier-series expansion for the function $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits^3(z,k)$ is:

\begin{displaymath}\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits^3(z,k)=\frac{\gamma^3}{4k^3}\sum_{j=...\mbox{, \ \ where } j=1,3,5,\dots,+\infty
\mbox{\ ; \ \ \ }

F_{j}^{(3)}({\bf f})\!&\displ...

(in all sums we summarize over only odd numbers).

On the other hand, from the differential equation (7) it follows that $F_j^{(3)}({\bf f})$ is proportional to $f_j^{\vphantom{+}}$, with coefficients of proportionality depending on j:

\begin{displaymath}\forall j \mbox{ \ \
: \ \ } F_j^{(3)}({\bf
f_j^{\vphantom{+}}. \eqno(8)

Thus, the sequence ${\bf f}$ is a nonzero solution of system (8) at all $q\in(0,1)$. The following lemma proves the existence of a preferred value of q.

Lemma. There exists such value of parameter $q\in(0,1)$ that the sequence ${\bf f}$ is a real solution of system (5), in addition a value of $\omega_1^{\vphantom{+}}$ also is real.
Proof. Inserting the sequence ${\bf f}$ into system (5) : $a_j^{\vphantom{+}}=f_j^{\vphantom{+}}$ and using system (8), we obtain:

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{r@{\displaystyle \;=\;}l}
\displaystyle \mbox{ ...
\end{array} \end{displaymath}

System (5) has a nonzero solution if and only if

\begin{displaymath}\left\{ \begin{array}{r@{\; =\;}l}
...displaystyle\frac{(1-2k^2)}{3\gamma^2}. \\

We have obtained the value of $\omega_1^{\vphantom{+}}$. The second equation of this system is equivalent to the following equation in parameter q:

\frac{q^{n-1/2}}{1+q^{2n-1}}\right)^2=0. \eqno (9)

This equation has the following solution on interval (0,1):

\begin{displaymath}q=1.42142623201\times10^{-2}\pm1\times10^{-13}. \end{displaymath}

Thus the lemma is proved.

Now it is easy to construct the required zero approximation for the function $\varphi(x,\tilde t)$:

\begin{displaymath}\varphi_0^{\vphantom{+}}(x,\tilde t)= A\Bigl\{\mathop{\rm cn}...
t),k)-\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(\alpha (x+\tilde t),k)\Bigr\}.

For arbitrary $k\in(0,1)$ this function is a real solution of equation (4). If $\alpha=\frac{2K}{\displaystyle\pi}$, then the periods of $\varphi_0^{\vphantom{+}}(x,\tilde t)$ in x and in $\tilde t$ are equal to $2\pi$. Using the Fourier-series expansion for the function $\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(z,k)$ (formula (6)), we obtain the following expansion for function $\varphi_0^{\vphantom{+}}(x,\tilde t)$:

\sin((2n-1)x)\sin((2n-1)\tilde t).

If $q=1.42142623201\times10^{-2}\pm1\times10^{-13}$, then q is a solution of equation (9) and the sequence ${\bf f}$ is a real solution of system (5). The middle value of q corresponds to k=0.451075598811, $\gamma=3.78191440007$ and $\alpha=1.0576653982$. All equation in system (5) are homogeneous ones, hence, for these values of parameters, the sequence of the Fourier coefficients of the function $\varphi_0^{\vphantom{+}}(x,\tilde t)$ also is a solution of system (5), with


Thus we have proved that the function

\begin{displaymath}\varphi_0^{\vphantom{+}}(x,\tilde t)=
A\Bigl\{\mathop{\rm cn...
... t),k)-\mathop{\rm cn}\nolimits(\alpha (x+\tilde t),k)\Bigr\},

with k=0.451075598811 and $\alpha=1.0576653982$is such a standing wave solution of equation (3) that equation (4) has a periodic solution.

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IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings