Using Hilbert Function.

Let J be an ideal in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[X_0, \ldots, X_n]= {\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]$. J is said homogeneous if the relation $F \in J$ implies that all the homogeneous components of F are in J. Let ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]_s$ denote the set of homogeneous polynomials of total degree s (including the zero polynomial) which is a ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}$-vector space of dimension $\theta(n, s)={{n+s}
\choose{s}}$. If J is a homogeneous ideal, we let

\begin{displaymath}J_s=J \cap {\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]_s.\end{displaymath}

Then the Hilbert function of J is defined by

\begin{displaymath}H_J(s)= \dim_{{\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}} {\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]_s/J_s.\end{displaymath}

It is also possible to define the Hilbert Function for inhomogeneous ideals: it is enough to replace ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[X_0, \ldots, X_n]_s$ by ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[X_1,
\ldots, X_n]_{\leq s}$, the set of polynomials in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[X_1,
\ldots, X_n]$ of total degree at most s (including the zero polynomial). Following the ideas in [12] it is posible to use the Hilbert function, to check if the specialisation of a Gröbner Basis of a homogeneous (with respect to $\underline{X}=(X_0, \ldots, X_n)$) ideal Jin ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{T},\underline{X}]$ with respect to a block ordering is a Gröbner Basis of the specialised homogeneous ideal. The main tool is the following theorem appearing in [12] and its corollary to the situation we are dealing with.

Theorem 3 ([12])   Let J be an ideal in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]$ and $\sigma$ a degree-compatible term ordering. Let $G=\{g_1,\ldots,g_k\}$ be a set of elements of J. If


then G is a Gröbner basis of J with respect to $\sigma$.

Corollary 1   Let J be a homogeneous ideal in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{T},\underline{X}]$, G its Gröbner basis with respect to a block $\underline{X}$-degree-compatible ordering $\sigma$ in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{T},\underline{X}]$ and $\phi$ the specialization map giving values to the parameters in $\underline{T}$. Let $\overline{\sigma}$ be the restriction of $\sigma$ to ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]$, $H_{Lt_{\overline{\sigma}}(G)}$ the Hilbert function of the ideal generated by the $\underline{X}$-leading power products of G and $H_{Lt_{\overline{\sigma}}(\phi(G))}$ the Hilbert function of the ideal generated by the leading power products of $\phi(G)$. If


then $\phi(G)$ is a Gröbner basis of $\phi(J)$ with respect to $\overline{\sigma}$.

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The key point here is to compute a ``generic" Gröbner Basis of the ideal J regarded in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{T},\underline{X}]$ with respect to a degree-compatible monomial ordering and to use this Gröbner Basis to derive the ``generic" Hilbert function of J considered as ideal in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{X}]$. For a given specialization of the parameters, the specialization of the ``generic" Gröbner Basis is a Gröbner Basis if the ``generic" Hilbert function agrees with the Hilbert function of the monomial ideal generated by the leading power products of the specialized Gröbner Basis. To remark finally that the Hilbert function of a monomial ideal is very easy to compute and thus it seems to be an immediate tool to use in order to check the correctness of the specialization process.


IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings